No, Yahweh is the ultimate savior,
Can you show me the wording "ultimate savior" in the Bible?
>>It is evident that the name has been replaced with titles<<
It is NEITHER evident (show your evidence) nor true. The OT copies that are all much older in age than the NT manuscripts have the "name" intact. You would have me believe that all of the much more recent Greek manuscripts had the name removed for some odd reason. The Greek manuscripts are wholey supported by ALL educated examiners, to be accurate renderings of the original penmen (including the absence of "the name"). You have to defy that fact of the absence in order to prove yourself. Well, it is a fact, and I know you have no evidence.
YHWH is Father and Son. YHWH is the surname of the Almighty being who are Father and Son.
Isa 41:21-23
21 "Present your case," says the LORD (YHWH).
Please note WHO is talking here.
"Set forth your arguments," says Jacob's King.
Again, please note YHWH, Jacob's King is the one who speaks this passage of scripture.
22 "Bring in [ your idols] to tell US
what is going to happen.
Please note YHWH has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronoun US
Tell US what the former things were,
so that WE may consider them
and know their final outcome.
Please note YHWH AGAIN has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronoun US and WE
Or declare to US the things to come,
Please note YHWH AGAIN has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronounUS
23 tell US what the future holds,
Please note YHWH AGAIN has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronoun US
so WE may know that you are gods.
Please note YHWH AGAIN has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronoun WE
Do something, whether good or bad,
so that WE will be dismayed and filled with fear.
Please note YHWH AGAIN has just refered to HIMSELF as the plural pronoun WE
It is ONLY YHWH that is speaking in this passage, and He refers to HIMSELF as US and WE.
They, the Father and Son, are God YHWH, neither created, both from eternity, and BOTH are ULTIMATE SAVIOR of the world.