Bizarre to you, interesting to others.
Oh, and here's a link to all his interesting stuff. Why wait for him to post when you can immerse yourself in his web site?? What he posts here is all over there!!!:
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
Bizarre to you, interesting to others.
Oh, and here's a link to all his interesting stuff. Why wait for him to post when you can immerse yourself in his web site?? What he posts here is all over there!!!:
after the lord had drowned every living thing on the surface of the earth except noah and his family and the animals brought to the ark, he told noah that from that time forth there would be no more apocalyptic floods, and as a token of his good intentions the lord would create the rainbow:.
and god...spake unto noah, and to his sons with him, saying...i establish my covenant with you.... neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
and god said, this is the token of the covenant which i make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: i do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Where does God say it was the first rainbow Joe? He doesn't. What in the context tells you it was the first rainbow? There is nothing.
God only says the bow was set in the clouds as a token of a covenant. It does NOT say for the FIRST TIME nor does it insinuate that premise.
That (rainbow) covenant was made by God before the flood and only then it's creative pupose was first revealed to Noah in this account FOR THE FIRST TIME.
God foreknew He would use water to destroy bad right from the beginning.
"Day" two is the ONLY creative day where God does not say "GOOD" following a creative step. What was made then?
Gen 1:6-8
6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning--the second day.
Where's the GOOD? EVERY other day has one. Why not this one? "Water," the source of life, seperated in TWO, and he just put water above.
The "waters above" were not given a "good" stamp (even though they in fact were good) to indicate that these waters in the sky would be used for bad, the destruction of the ungodly men of Noah's day.
TWO waters seperated.
This 77, became 7...7
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
Here ya go, chew on this manipulated data:
Remember the two guys named Lamech? Two guys with the SAME NAME and both with an attached 777 to their stories?
Well, to make undeniably EMPHATIC the truth that Jesus is the avenger of 77, as prophesied in the Bible, that truth is made known TWICE in that same lineage in Luke's account. Can't you see it?
Please examine the pattern of names just prior to Mr. 77. AGAIN, two guys with the SAME NAME, seperated by 7 generations, done twice. CONSECUTIVELY.
-----63..(1) Mattathias
-----64..(2) Maath
-----65..(3) Naggai
(7)--66..(4) Esli
-----67..(5) Nahum
-----68..(6) Amos
-----69..(7) Mattathias
-----70..(1) Joseph
-----71..(2) Jannai
-----72..(3) Melki
(7)--73..(4) Levi
-----74..(5) Matthat
-----75..(6) Heli
-----76..(7) Joseph
There is a 77 prior to the 77.
Another MAIN point of this? God is two, not one, not three. TWO. Two beings with the SAME NAME (YHWH), just like the two Lamechs in the beginning, just the like two Mattathias's and Joseph's above. TWO with the SAME NAME, but different beings. It bolsters the truth, YHWH is TWO.
1.YHWH Father (The Most Holy)
4.(Two is Holy, YHWH is two)
7.YHWH Son (The Holy)
Two rooms in the tabernacle.
Two rooms in the temple.
Two rooms same tabernacle
Two rooms same temple
Two beings same name
Old thread. Last post. Kewl!!!
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
Lamech avenged 77 times.
There is no lineage of Lamech as it was condemned to extinction by the evil deed of his forefather Cain.
We have no where else to go, except to the lineage of Seth, the son of Adam and Eve who replaced the murdered Abel, and through whom all God's blessings and avenging would come.
Scroll down and see the avenger of 77 times:
1 God
2 Adam
3 Seth
4 Enosh
5 Kenan
6 Mahalalel
7 Jared
8 Enoch
9 Methuselah
10 Lamech
11 Noah
12 Shem
13 Arphaxad
14 Cainan
15 Shelah
16 Eber
17 Peleg
18 Reu
19 Serug
20 Nahor
21 Terah
22 Abraham
23 Isaac
24 Jacob
25 Judah
26 Perez
27 Hezron
28 Ram
29 Amminadab
30 Nahshon
31 Salmon
32 Boaz
33 Obed
34 Jesse
35 David
36 Nathan
37 Mattatha
38 Menna
39 Melea
40 Eliakim
41 Jonam
42 Joseph
43 Judah
44 Simeon
45 Levi
46 Matthat
47 Jorim
48 Eliezer
49 Joshua
50 Er
51 Elmadam
52 Cosam
53 Addi
54 Melki
55 Neri
56 Shealtiel
57 Zerubbabel
58 Rhesa
59 Joanan
60 Joda
61 Josech
62 Semein
63 Mattathias
64 Maath
65 Naggai
66 Esli
67 Nahum
68 Amos
69 Mattathias
70 Joseph
71 Jannai
72 Melki
73 Levi
74 Matthat
75 Heli
76 Joseph
(Luke 3:23-38)
Good nite.
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
God made the pattern happen. The real question to be asked is WHY were the three deleted?
If you read your Bible, the reason these three were deleted was a direct result of God's annoiting Jehu to totally destroy the house of Ahab to a fare thee well. Ahab was an evil king on the Israel side who was married to Jezebel. Ahab's "house" crossed over the bounds of the two kingdoms into Judah by way of marriage ties. God's destruction is complete when he commands it.
Ahabs "house" was ended, four generations (Israel side) and for three generations (Judah side, those missing names in Matthew). (Please note 4+3=7). Here is God's LAW because of the sinful evildoing and Baal worship:
Ex 20:5
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
God upheld his LAW 100%. It was given and KNOWN by these sinful men. It was broken intentionally by these sinful men. Those guilty were punished.
Ahab's "house" totally ended. Jehu, who was NOT Ahab's offspring, became king of Israel. And as God punished the evildoers and Baal worshippers for 3 and 4 generations ON BOTH SIDES of the kingdoms respectively, Jehu was rewarded with God saying that four of his generations would rule over Israel for his obediance to YHWH, which indeed happened as recorded:
2 Kings 10:30-31
30 The LORD said to Jehu, "Because you have done well in accomplishing what is right in my eyes and have done to the house of Ahab all I had in mind to do, your descendants will sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation."
God has balanced scales. Generations punished ON BOTH SIDES equal to their sin, and Jehu is rewarded with four of the generations that were totally removed from Ahab.
What is also interesting, is BOTH kingdoms had a similar problem at the same time. Woman rulership. Jezebel on the Israel side and Athaliah (Ahaziah's mother) on the Judah side. Both very evil woman. God hated BOTH sides.
Now, regarding the "missing names" of Ahaziah, Joash and Amaziah in the book of Matthew, God did exactly what He said He would do upon His deciding it HOW to be done:
Ex 32:33
33 The LORD replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book."
So, who REALLY blotted out the names??
The three names in Judah WERE IN TRUTH blotted out of God's book under YHWH's direction.
Question: Are you not curious regarding the second half of the evil Lamech's cursed utterance?
Genesis 4:24 "If Cain is avenged seven times,
then Lamech seventy-seven times."
After seven "times," Cain's lineage was cut off.
What is this Avenger of 77? If the avenger of 7 times has a logical answer, surely the avenger of 77 must have an answer too? Right?
It does.
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
Gen 4:24 If Cain is avenged seven times,
Did you ever wonder what this phrase meant? How was Cain avenged seven times?
Cain's recorded lineage in the Bible goes like this:
1. Cain
2. Enoch
3. Irad
4. Mahujael
5. Mathushael
6. Lamech
7. Jabal, Jubal (from Adah), Tubal Cain, Naamah (from Zillah)
After the seven recorded generations of Cain, Cain's lineage was condemned into oblivion.
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
OK. Now that we've exposed the Joe smoke screens, let's get down to business.
>>If Matthew had not PURPOSELY removed those three kings, he would not have had a divine pattern to show his readers.<<
Actually Joe, the removal of the three kingly generations condemned by God made the divine pattern that much more clear. So, these who are not recorded were indeed NOT recorded to maintain a pattern but NOT the pattern other "apologists" have claimed. Please note the FULL equilibrium on both sides of the three condemned kings. 777 on the Abraham side, 777 on the Jesus side.
David is counted twice per Matthew 1:17, "Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ."
1 Abraham
2 Isaac
3 Jacob
4 Judah
5 Perez
6 Hezron
7 Ram
1 Amminadab
2 Nahshon
3 Salmon
4 Boaz
5 Obed
6 Jesse
7 David
1 David
2 Solomon
3 Rehoboam
4 Abijah
5 Asa
6 Jehoshaphat
7 Jehoram
…………(missing Ahaziah)
…………(missing Joash)
…………(missing Amaziah)
1 Uzziah
2 Jotham
3 Ahaz
4 Hezekiah
5 Manasseh
6 Amon
7 Josiah
1 Jeconiah
2 Sheiltiel
3 Zerubbabel
4 Abiud
5 Eliakim
6 Azor
7 Zadok
1 Akim
2 Eliud
3 Eleazer
4 Matthan
5 Jacob
6 Joseph
7 Jesus
Just as there are two patterns of 777 on each side of the condemned kings, this dual pattern of 777 was prophesied back in Genesis in two ways by two men of Genesis who had the exact same name. One was a condemned man. One was a blessed man.
Meet the two men named Lamech...
The cursed Lamech:
Gen 4:23-24
23 Lamech said to his wives,
"Adah and Zillah, listen to me;
wives of Lamech, hear my words.
I have killed a man for wounding me,
a young man for injuring me.
24 If Cain is avenged seven times,
then Lamech seventy-seven times."
The blessed Lamech, the father of Noah and a forefather of Christ:
Gen 5:31
31 Altogether, Lamech lived 777 years, and then he died.
The pattern is true.
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
This thread and your site shot you in the foot. Anybody with fourth grade reading comprehension will see the obvious inconsistencies in your skeptical brain.
You're just a bitter confused old man.
the 1 chronicles author lists the descendents of david; some of these, in order, are jehoshaphat, jehoram, ahaziah, joash, amaziah, azariah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manasseh (1 chronicles 3:10-13 niv).
the matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts uzziah, who he says is jehorams son.
(matthew 1:8-10 niv).
Well Joe, you seem to be confused with your own evidence here, and I'm am going to only touch on SOME of the contradiction you are presenting:
Joe just said in this post:
The Old Testament shows that from David until the carrying away into Babylon are seventeen generations not fourteen.Yet Joe's site plainly says:
The Old Testament shows that from David until the carrying away into Babylon are eighteen generations, not fourteen.Clue us all in, where do you really stand, is it seventeen like you just said or eighteen as your site article says? You are severely contradicting yourself.
Also, Joe intially comes in saying that the Matthew account is missing four CONSECUTIVE names, which included Azariah:
The Matthew author contradicts this genealogy; he leaves out the four consecutive descendents underlined above, and in their place puts Uzziah, who he says is Jehoram’s son.And he states in his very first post that the FOUR CONSECUTIVE names missing in Matthew as being the underlined, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah and Azariah.
After my proof that Azariah and Uzziah are the same guy, Joe retracts his ridiculous postulation, and basiclly says "I knew that, I was just checking to see if you knew." POPPYCOCK.
Now, Joe says here in this thread that there are really actually only three names missing:
My argument is not in the slightest weaker just because Matthew only left out three descendents, not four.Then, if you go back to Joe's site, he goes back to saying there are really four missing names, and another NEW name that he NEVER mentions before in the beginning of this thread pops up. From Joe's own site:
David to
the Exile1 David
2 Solomon
3 Roboam
4 Abia
5 Asa
6 Josaphat
7 Joram
8 [Ahaziah]
9 [Joash]
10 [Amaziah]
11 Ozias
12 Joatham
13 Achaz
14 Ezekias
15 Manasses
16 Amon
17 Josias
18 [Jehoiakim] (Matthew omitted names in brackets.)
As you can see, Joe's site is as confused as he is.
So, it seems that Mr. Joe has no idea of what he in fact is talking about, and he himself is very confused over the point he is trying to make. He has his own "facts" bumbled between what he is posting here as proof and what his own web site articles are saying. In fact, he is saying two very different things, all the while changing his story of what his initial points were from the beginning of this thread.
There is no use debating someone who is presenting nothing more than a big bunch of convoluted confusion.
One fact is VERY clear, 3 were PURPOSELY removed exactly in the middle of the middle of 3 sets of generations...
Read your Bible not Joe Awkward.