Did you find the test at all accurate?
i have received inquiries about how i was trained by spirit as a psychologist.
i was led to many sources of enlightenment.
books routinely was i led to that it was important i read.
Did you find the test at all accurate?
sorry, i don't have time to search the site right now.
this bloody french isp is rubbish, and i keep getting dropped when i try anything that takes more than 10 seconds.
has the society ever come up with any intelligent reasoning to counter the ages that carbon dating/science has given to various artifacts, i.e.
Naturalists started out as Creationists
Hogwash. Most naturalists were always atheists.
i would not have posted this, but the subject just doesn't go away.
i would like to comment on the differences in the two men.
first of all, they come from different eras.
Ray and Bill's excellent adventure.
i have received inquiries about how i was trained by spirit as a psychologist.
i was led to many sources of enlightenment.
books routinely was i led to that it was important i read.
0-gray 1-blue 2-green 3-red
4-yellow 5-violet 6-brown 7-black
Least fav: yellow
~...Who was trained not to spit in the fan, who was told what to do by the man...who was given a pat on the back...who was breaking away from the pack..who was dragged down by the stone. - Pink Floyd ~
Edited by - pomegranate on 26 October 2002 20:54:57
more than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
God does. ooops. I'll whisper... god does
and for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
Rom 3:4
Let God be true, and every man a liar.
more than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Do me a favor, give me a real science site. I read all that talkorigin crap, it's bogus BS.
That's ALL you guys on this forum bank on, talkorigins. Oh yeah, the final word on evolution.
Here's what these guys call facts from talkorigens:
"The term "transitional fossil" is used at least two different ways on talk.origins, often leading to muddled and stalemated arguments.
"The major point of these general lineages is that animals with intermediate morphology existed at the appropriate times, and thus that the transitions from the proposed ancestors are fully plausible."
Oh yeah. Facts baby. Factual transistions are bound in MUDDLED and STALEMATED arguments. Transistions are PLAUSIBLE? That's means there aren't any.
"Most transitional fossils are only mentioned in the primary literature, often buried in incredibly dense and tedious "skull & bones" papers utterly inaccessible to the general public."
Why is that? Because it's BS that's why. Oh, here's a good one:
"And finally, many of the species-to-species transitions were described too recently to have made it into the books yet."
Yep. Too fresh and hot out of the earth to publish all it's glorious transitional truth. Wait, there's more:
"Why don't paleontologists bother to popularize the detailed lineages and species-to-species transitions? Because it is thought to be unnecessary detail."
First they say it's too new, then they say it's unnecessary deatil. Kewl. The core proof of evolution, TRANSITIONS (like an eye partially developed) is an UNNECESSARY DETAIL?? Otay. Time to do the old soft shoe shuffley shuffley doooo doooo....Wait!! There's more:
"Paleontologists clearly consider the occurrence of evolution to be a settled question, so obvious as to be beyond rational dispute, so, they think, why waste valuable textbook space on such tedious detail?"
It's their own private Idaho. WE KNOW, why should we let THEM know. We'd be wasting textbook space. HAHAHAHA!!! This person is a classic BS artist!!!
"GAP: Ideally, of course, we want an entire skeleton from the middle Late Devonian, not just limb fragments. Nobody's found one yet."
Cause it doesn't exist. Read this one:
"So far this series is known only as a series of genera or families; the transitions from species to species are not known."
So, if you go to this site, and look at all those BIG SCIENTIFIC NAMES in the divisions, they are ALL the same KINDS. Species to species transitions ARE NON EXISTANT, and they HAVE TO ADMIT IT THEMSELVES.
Edited by - pomegranate on 25 October 2002 23:9:45
more than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
List the hundreds of transitions and the pictures and data behind them. Surely, they must be all over the net.
If you want good data on the flood, go check out hooberus on the carbon dating thread. He knows more than me in that regard. As I have siad before, geology ain't my bag.
since i have stopped attending the meetings, i have had a loss of faith in god.
i consider myself an agnostic teetering on being a full blown atheist.
while in school this last semester i have been taking courses that emphasize evolution.
God will save the Pope if he darn well pleases.
If he does, who can argue?
since i have stopped attending the meetings, i have had a loss of faith in god.
i consider myself an agnostic teetering on being a full blown atheist.
while in school this last semester i have been taking courses that emphasize evolution.
Rom 8:22-25
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
gumby groans as in the pains of childbirth. So does pomegranate. Just like the Apostles.
pomegranate waits for redemption. pomegranate waits for adoption. Patiently. With hope. For what is unseen. For what I do not have yet. Does gumby?
Hope is the stuff that gets me by and makes me HAPPY.
Edited by - pomegranate on 25 October 2002 17:41:57