I must say, and please please don't take offense to this because as strange as it may seem, I mean this as a compliment, but your last few words about the smartest thing I've heard you say these last fews days. If I believed in the Bible, I might just believe what you said. I mean, it explains WHY God created us and why he didn't just kill Satan in the beginning. Ya know, you could probably start a reliigon with this idea. I've never heard anything quite like it. Unfortunately, a person would already have to believe in the Bible already for it to have an affect. . .
Thanks for the double sided compliment. I only read the Good side.
I believe we are spirit beings put in "tents"...temporary vessels for GOOD reason even though our bodies are BORN bad.
I have NO interest in starting a religion...but I sincerely believe my beliefs are LOGICAL, which is what my God given brain cried out for. Maybe I got what I was crying for...
Let me show you something else...Romans was a book that discussed Law alot. Both the Mosaic Law and law in general...I want you to read a few passages with the understanding of Law the way I have now presented it to you.
Rom 4:13-15
13 It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. 14 For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, 15 because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.
The emboldened is a very important truth.
Before Satan rebelled, there was NO LAW IN HEAVEN, because no one had gone against God before. It was unheard of by creation, and most of all, God could not even comprehend it coming to be. So, if the was no defined law in heaven regarding even simple disobedience, then there was no defined transgression, because the transgression that Satan began and created was not defined as BAD. So, Satan could continue on his evil quest, and LEGALLY, since God is now Just, God COULD NOT act immediately. So, Satan would have thought he had God over a barrel. No one out thinks God.
Reason on this, if there was NEVER EVER a murder, would there be a Law against it? No. Because murder does not exist. If Murder does NOT exist, then there would NOT be a law against it. Law isn't made until AFTER the crime is committed. Now, if you go back to Genesis, what does God give Adam and Eve here:
Gen 2:15-17
16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Basically, "OBEY ME OR DIE."
You are looking at the very FIRST LAW that God ever gave in creation. Now, if God gave Adam and Eve a LAW against DISOBEDIENCE, then that means disobedience was ALREADY HAPPENING somewhere. God would NOT make a LAW against something that did not exist. If there was a Law against disobedience, then disobedience existed BEFORE Adam and Eve disobeyed God's first Law. Since THEY disobeyed the first Law with an attached punishment, THEY suffered the consequences of death.
If you go back to that scripture in Romans again, there is another tell tale phrase: because law brings wrath.
Law brings wrath. The law in Genesis surely brought wrath, which is EXACTLY why God made it, so He could excerise his wrath against the BAD that was corrupting and defiling creation. That was going to STOP with Adam and Eve. Satan wasn't going to stop God from creating newe life though. It's just that the new life that came to be through Adam and Eve came out of the womb ALREADY CORRUPTED. Satan can't corrupt that which is already spoiled. God was BOXING in the serpant. Stop the corruption in heaven, stop the new corruption with ALL of the new life that was to come to be. Satan could no longer corrupt, because God seperated the heavens, and he created man to come out bad from birth. Satan was stopped form corrupting anew.
God knew Adam and Eve were going down by Satan...He KNEW IT, before they went down. But, God can undo all the bad that has come directly from the Great Cause and Adversary Satan the Devil. In time it will come to be. My guts are in motion...
There is more...each piece that I have I believe is a logical puzzle...piece by piece...first the frame, then fill out the middle.