It was the point I decided to become agnostic. I found my final stumbling block in my search for God. I asked (myself as well as others): Why would God create carnivorous animals before sin? But I never got an answer. And then I soon realized that just maybe, God wasn't completely "good".
Can any believer answer this?
by LucidSky 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe sin has nothing to do with the animals that were created to eat each other. They were eating each other before Adam and Eve sinned.
I believe God created things the way He did so that you and I would know there was something very WRONG in creation.
Hi LucidSky,
You wrote:
Why would God create carnivorous animals before sin?
Is that statement based on the Bible's account of creation? If it is, according to the Bible God gave vegetaion for food to man and all the animals. If it isn't based on the Bible's account then the words "sin" and "good" must be defined in order to understand your position. imo
For instance, are you using the words "sin" and "good" as defined in the Bible or by another measure? I ask because I myself have much interest in this topic.
Pom, did God intend for the animals to eat each other or did they choose to do it on their own? What was wrong in creation?
IslandWoman: I was trying to take the typical Christian usage of "sin and "good". I remember passages in the Bible that suggest the carnivores would eat straw and hay.
Edited by - LucidSky on 27 October 2002 13:27:46
I believe God created things the way He did so that you and I would know there was something very WRONG in creation.
Pom, the bold type above here and think about that comment.
Evidently you feel God purposely did a bad job. Where do I stand in line to worship this guy?
I believe animals eating each other was "good" from God's standpoint (it WAS how he created WILD animals), as it all had a purpose. It would seem bad from our view point because we'd obviously be saying, "what the heck is going on?"
What was wrong, was Satan...Satan was the cause, what God created was the affect of what Satan had done.
I believe everything God created was good, as a matter of fact VERY GOOD, from His standpoint, because each and everything He created and did had a purpose for the end result which was the eventual elimination of the problem.
I believe physical creation was created for the purpose of informing right hearted individuals what was transpiring spiritually, while the required time passed by till the eventual elimination of the thorn in God's side..
Where do I stand in line to worship this guy?
Pissing again? -
Satan was the cause.
So Satan made the animals kill each other and made them with teeth and digestive tracts to eat meat!
Did you just now think of this as you were going along in this thread or ...are you still a JW?
Sorry for being rude dude but you get more ridiculous with each post.
After the Flood the account of Noah at Genesis 9:3 says: "Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you." This, along with the first prohibition to the eating of blood also given at this time, forcefully implies that from creation until their exit from the Ark, God still considered vegetation to be the only lawful food for man.
The instructions to Noah included what to take for food: Genesis 6:21, "And as for you, take for yourself every sort of food that is eaten; and you must gather it to yourself, and it must serve as food for you and for them." Since the food was for both man and beast and Noah did not meat, it would mean that the beasts at that time ate vegetation for food.
Nice post!
I guess that leaves a dilema for those who learn certain dinosaurs ate meat.....that was long before man.
So Satan made the animals kill each other and made them with teeth and digestive tracts to eat meat!
That isn't what I said gum. I said Satan was the cause for God to create physical animals to be wild, in image and likeness of the wild spirits in heaven. Try reading with a bit more comprehension next time instead of distorting what I post. Thank you.
Please note: God said MAN could eat flesh after the flood. The wild animals were already doing it.