I am in the same position, but unfortunately I am unable to poke holes in the teachings-so I am mostly silent. I am fading, but my wife sees that and she gets so angry. I have come to the conclusion over so many months that their is no good -pain free options-only what may work for you. If my wife would accept and discuss the failings of the WT, that would make life so much easier. She refuses to discuss anything WT-reality not negative-with me. I have the right to stand up for what I believe just as much as she does, and I have just as much right to explain to the kids that the WT is not the right place to put your trust, and future. I have read stories of people planting seeds of doubt, but I am unable to do that; my wife picks up on that and gets angry every time. I love the examples of family research, family discussion about topics, and a slow process where everyone eventually comes to the same conclusion. I am unable to take that path in my home-I have tried multiple times. I am painted in a bad light to my kids; so it is painful and more painful. She immediately knows what I am up to, but its so hard to stay silent as when you really listen to the " language" used at the KH's ,its depressing, manipulative, guilt-ridden, anxiety producing bull-shit. She was proud of our son that was reading along during the last WT about education( Jan 21) -I almost vomited when I read that crap. Manipulation, Manipulation, controlling-watching my kids be partially brainwashed is very hard. This is not going to end well I don't think- I cannot even close to fake it anymore. I want my kids to have a normal life, be confident, pursue a dream, fin their place in the world out side of some crazy cult.