I've moved into a new apartment in central Zagreb until the 20th and it lacks a parking space. Does anyone nearby have a spare space I can use, even if just for a couple of days?
Theory: if you have a car, and move someplace that doesn't have anywhere for a car to go, and ask if anyone has a space for just a few days ...
... could it be you're getting rid of the car?
Remember my theory about some people expanding their spending to match their income? What would you do if you got a car lease or loan and then your income dropped suddenly and unexpectedly?
Nothing but idle speculation of course.
Maybe James Lloyd Evans is planning on leaving Croatia. I wouldn't put it past him to sell the family car and abandon Dijana and the kids. I could easily see him leave the country and make it impossible for her to get any child support. I guess we will know in the next few weeks.
Note: this is merely an opinion based on previous observed behavior, only additional idle speculation.