Taylor, what did I say that was hateful? Your opening post was to come in here and accuse us of bigotry based on absolutely nothing. Oh boo-hoo your feelings were hurt on Twitter. So what! Nobody gives a damn what gender you are. You are the one coming in here saying you are going to "wokeify" the site. That bull-shit isn't going to work here.
JoinedPosts by NonCoinCollector
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
But I'd rather be a thorn in everyone side and just "Wokeify" the site you know.
Good luck with that Taylor. This is where real adults talk and the woke snowflakes like you can either grow up or go away.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
But if you touch these people and you make a criticism you are called a psychopath. Oh wait a transphobe too. A piece of shit... and several times the traditional "fuck off". Classy.
I noticed that. It seems if you dare to criticize a trans person online at all, that automatically makes you a transphobe. It reminds me of back when I was a JW someone made the mistake of using the phrase "you all" when speaking to a black family. Who knew that "you all" meant anything cruel?
Regarding some of the others, there is much distrust among the vloggers and the commenters. Thanks James Lloyd Evans for your toxic behavior and sowing the mistrust. Might as well add that to the list of why I think Lloyd is Watchtower controlled opposition.
I have already spoken about Mark O'Donnell and I have nothing new to add to that, so I will repost it. Mark O'Donnell is a bit of an enigma. The warning signs regarding Lloyd Evans/John Cedars were there for years, but he ignored them. He never gave me a good reason why. All he could tell me was Lloyd had a big audience and Mark took advantage of that audience. I wish Mark all the best and I admire what he does, but I do not fully trust him and don't suggest that anybody else should either. Maybe it is because I am suspicious of anybody with that "elder" mentality.
As for Cappytan / Sean, the guy seems pretty cool. Somehow he got mixed up in all of this when Lloyd sent him an extortion letter and I am not sure why. I found it amusing in the leaked private message of how afraid of the "Marko" stuff he is. As I said on Twitter, Tom, Joel, Cora, Marc, Mike and Kim have been far more credible over the past six months than Lloyd. I find the "Marko" stuff to be credible enough to be suspicious. Is it true? Don't know. Lloyd is disgusting enough based on what he admitted to. The UK police can decide if there is anything there or not.
Finally someone I have not spoken about, Altworldly / Jake. Each person decides for themselves what kind of life they want. Maybe you see where Lloyd has failed and you want to capture that audience for yourself. Take a minute and look at Lloyd, is that really the life you want for yourself? Doing videos that have a similar theme to his might put you on the same life trajectory. I don't think it is a good idea to consume Watchtower's video propaganda and try to make rebuttal videos to them. That stuff is toxic to watch and it messes with your mind and judgement. The most accurate thing Joseph Rutherford ever said is, "religion is a snare and a racket."
Now I am going to give myself some advise. I was all set to retire from JW activism right before the Lloyd Evans news broke. If it wasn't for the fact that Lloyd tried to steal the copyrights to Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, I really wouldn't have put in the hours on Lloyd. Ray Franz was a hero to many and I wish I could have gotten to know him. Ray Franz was one of those kind souls that did his best to never harm anyone. There will never be another like him. Ray would be shocked for a man like Lloyd to come along and soil his work. My focus in this Lloyd stuff is to keep reminding people and myself to be more like Ray and less like Lloyd.
Dear Female ExJWs
by Simon injudging by some forum comments and tweets, it seems like some female exjw's feel they are being ignored or excluded from things.
i thought i'd share my views.
what could possibly go wrong .... first, i think it's unfair to post and judge people based on a private chat shared without permission and posted without context.
Don't share private communication...
Unless a crime is being talked about, sharing private communication is walking an ethical tightrope. On one hand we have seen leaked private communication of Lloyd Evans. On another hand we have seen other private chats leaked as well. It is a tricky subject to manage.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I don't know if Apostle Paul's words were mocking or not. Honestly I don't care since the bible is nearly meaningless to me. We all know how Watchtower taught it and it is exactly how Lloyd Evans and others seeking to copy Lloyd have behaved toward women.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
The worst thing about LE and his imitators is that they take and hour an half to say something that could be said in ten minutes. You’re not Joe Rogan. Most people aren’t willing to invest hours of time on a summary of what’s going on.
A multi-page thread could just be devoted to that. Aside from Mike and Kim, I rarely look at any other ex-jw videos for that very reason. If I am going to watch an hour-plus video on YouTube, I would much rather watch things like Puddin's Fab Shop or Junkyard Digs. News on Watchtower needs to be a get in, say it and get out. Even channels that focus on interviews of former JWs tend to go longer than I care to watch.
What makes Mark O'Donnell more authoritative than Kim Silvio or Sofia or S. Walker or Jillian, or Stephanie or Joseelyne or P/Bob or Sarah or Louise or Michelle and many other fabulous female activists?
Maybe it is because we were trained by Watchtower to be in subjection to the "older men of the congregation." How many times were we taught 1 Corinthians 14:34-35? "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church." I have my own thoughts on Apostle Paul, but really don't fit with this topic.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I'm saddened that Mark O'donnell isn't "with us" on this. I've truly admired his brilliant legal mind and memory for detail.
Mark O'Donnell is a bit of an enigma. The warning signs regarding Lloyd Evans/John Cedars were there for years, but he ignored them. He never gave me a good reason why. All he could tell me was Lloyd had a big audience and Mark took advantage of that audience. I wish Mark all the best and I admire what he does, but I do not fully trust him and don't suggest that anybody else should either. Maybe it is because I am suspicious of anybody with that "elder" mentality.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Guys, this is such toxic behavior this community does not need personal grievances between 2 parties as its not our beef so please only talk about ex jw topics and let sleeping dogs lie. Kind regards
Sorry, but you don't get to decide what I talk about. When I see an online bully pretend to give a damn about the sexually abused while using prostitutes that were likely trafficked which is an activity that is illegal in the places Lloyd Evans has been, it will be a topic for conversation. When this same bully insists on suing 7 people for discussing this topic, I will not be silent. BESIDES, LLOYD EVANS IS A EX-JW TOPIC. Kind regards
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
👏👏 Totally agree with youMaybe we can make Jan 31st Kim Silvio Day. An annual celebration of Lloyd Evans doing his drunken livestream confession where he confirmed Kim accused him of seeking prostitutes frequently. Yes, he said he used prostitutes for the past 3 or 4 years with a frequency every 2 or 3 months (which sounds rather frequently) and also implied that he is incapable of controlling his body because of Watchtower.
Speaking of blaming Watchtower for messing him up, wouldn't that be a good reason to abandon the channel and seek help? If it wasn't for Lloyd Evans being a bully, I wouldn't even be posting on this forum any longer. How long has it been since I have posted on here? Over a decade at least.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It’s too bad the CSA survivors can’t launch some kind of “class action gag order” against Evans pretending to represent them. If they were officially embodied into a “class”, maybe it could be done.
That would be nice. It would probably be difficult to do.