But I would advise them to wipe the seat thoroughly with a damp rag before they sit down.
Not just any damp rag will work. My suggestion:
And don't stop with just one!
original reddit post (removed).
But I would advise them to wipe the seat thoroughly with a damp rag before they sit down.
Not just any damp rag will work. My suggestion:
And don't stop with just one!
original reddit post (removed).
When you see it, LOL
I was wondering why you posted this, and then I saw it. I need coffee.
original reddit post (removed).
Thanks to the business filings, I now know Lloyd's birthday. The guy looks really bad for 42. What should we get him for his birthday?
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So why does this clown appear to WORSHIP all things JW?! He's even framed leaflets?! What a fraud ...
Simon that was what I got from the video. If he had taken some red tape and put it across the JWdotORG sign that would be one thing. Ever since he started setting on the other side of his table, the sign is always visible in his videos. Could that be some sort of message? Framing leaflets... why?
My family had a collection of Watchtower literature that went back decades. I can proudly say it is all in the local landfill, but I should have used it for burning.
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I thought Joseelyne made that video out of one of Lloyd's videos. Are you telling me that is on Lloyd's channel? Private message me with a link to the full video.
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Here we have Lloyd Evans admitting he doxed Kim and Mikey.
i would hope that most of you would agree that a major reward for jehovah's witnesses comes from positive experiences.
and who could blame them since they have such a negative message with 99.9% rejection.
who remembers the fear you felt of being a "bad witness?
I don't think any of us are professional counselors and even if one of us were, this is not the proper setting to discuss personal mental health.
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Ozzie, that is a good question. People guessing Lloyd is closer to 50 really shows how living a sedentary life isn't a good idea. My guess is the only time Lloyd gets outside is when he needs to find a new "girlfriend."
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That is one very smart guy right there.
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Lloyd was born in Septmeber 1977, so he is currently 44, turning 45 this year.
According to his business filing, he was born September 1979, making him currently 42. I would hate for Lloyd Evans to lose his mind and claim we are lying about his age.