Another post showing Lloyd is in love with Watchtower. Who builds a Watchtower logo in Minecraft? Looking back at his postings is really disturbing when you add in everything that has happened in the past 6 months.
JoinedPosts by NonCoinCollector
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Let's pretend for a minute that Lloyd's "lawsuit" has merit. This would still be true of Lloyd.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Did Evans promote vaccinations?
Here you go:
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
If I were Lloyd, this disease would scare me far more than Covid. "Super-gonorrhea" sounds extra painful.
Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!
by Simon ini know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.. the anomaly was the original decision.
it clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling.
plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place..
Just when you thought Americans couldn’t get any stupider…
I have doubts about some some north of me as well.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Texts in private vs public posts. Can you not see how different those two things are? Only one of them means anything to anyone but you.
Actually Simon, they are public. Go see for yourself.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
as long as she asks nicely, then what is the big deal? - it's a slippery slope to compelled speech. And it's wrong to insist that other people use certain words; it goes against freedom of speech and expression.
I agree it is wrong to demand. But what freedom of speech and expression would Taylor have trampled on if she asked you politely to modify pronouns directed toward her?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
They didn't ask nicely though, that's the point. All this "they seem nice to me" is BS because what they actually did shows they were not intending to be nice. So they get the response it warrants.
Maybe you missed the part where I called her a child during that heated exchange. Yes, at that moment I was having none of her attitude. It wasn't until multiple texts on Twitter that we both came to an understanding and now I feel like we have respect for each other.
Simon, I get your point, this is your online home and being respectful is your number one policy. Taylor was not at all respectful that day, even Taylor agrees with that now. Sometimes a second chance is warranted.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Human interaction is a two-way street.
People are free to see themselves a certain way; what they're not free to do, however, is force everybody else to view them as they view themselves.
what if I wanted to be seen as drop-dead-gorgeous? What if Evans wants to be seen as morally upright?
Lloyd Evans self-identifies has morally upright, therefore we all have to see him that way or we're a bunch of bigots!
I SUPPOSE IT IS TIME FOR A GRAMMAR LESSON. Jesus H Christ, it is a f-ing pronoun. It means everything to Taylor and as long as she asks nicely, then what is the big deal? My issue with Taylor was coming in here and demanding respect instead of earning it. After taking the chance to get to know her a little better, she now has my respect. As for your examples of identifying as gorgeous and Lloyd Evans if he were to self identify as morally upright, that is an adjective. Although I am sure Lloyd Evans would like to be thought of as anything but a jerk, however an adjective describes both nouns and pronouns. So I can say correctly say that Lloyd Evans is a jerk and he will probably always be a jerk. I can also correctly say that Taylor's personal pronouns are she and her, because it helps her feel comfortable about herself.
Does it cost you anything to modify a pronoun? Have you lost anything by doing so? Taylor for personal reasons wants to be thought of as female. It is something she has worked on for years. Maybe if this was something she had done flippantly I would dismiss it too, but in Taylor's case it is her identity.
I hope to make this my last post regarding Taylor as this thread is about Lloyd. I see his Patreon numbers are still slowly going down. My guess is those who are morally outraged are now out, so we are down to those who will drop out due to quality of content. I am disappointed as I expected more to care about the sexually abused.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Vintage, that is a great find. I had no idea there was a Croatian consulate in Houston Texas. I wonder why. If there were one in the Baltimore / Washington DC area that would be one thing. I almost wish I lived in the area just to see what trouble I could make for Lloyd at the consulate's office.