Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!

by Simon 173 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    I know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.

    The anomaly was the original decision. It clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling. Plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place.

  • Fisherman

    An abortion is an easy way out of a pregnancy and the Roe decision represented woman power. Now that States will be allow to govern abortion doesn’t change the mentality of women that are determined to get an abortion. It will be inconvenient because if they live in the wrong State, they will have to take a trip; and financial insurance issues of issuance coverage but there should still be places to get an abortion.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    So now each individual state will determine abortion rights for the people living in that state.

    I actually don't have a problem with this.

    For years abortion has been the go-to when a woman has slept around or had a consensual one night stand and regretted it. Only a minority of women seeking abortions are rape victims.

    There's a much better way than having an abortion: and that's don't get pregnant in the first place if you don't want to bring up a baby.

  • TonusOH

    I think that most states will quickly make abortion legal, while a small number will heavily restrict it or make it illegal. It will take some time for it all to get sorted out, but I think that in the long term, abortion will be legal in all 50 states, with restrictions similar to the ones in effect when it was federal law.

    I won't say that it is much ado about nothing, but for a large majority of Americans this will have very little effect. We will need to deal with the wave of coming violence from left-wing extremists, but we've dealt with that before when far-right nuts were targeting abortion clinics. The perpetually aggrieved will always find a reason to act out against people who have not done anything to harm them.

  • Simon
    We will need to deal with the wave of coming violence from left-wing extremists

    It won't happen, they are controlled by the left and the left are currently in power and things are already bad enough without them making things worse. So the protests and riots will be postponed until the next conservative president is elected and then they will suddenly remember and be outraged about it.

    They also have a messaging problem because they "sold" Roe vs Wade being overturned as conservatives banning abortion ... and yet it isn't banned, is it?

  • Simon

    Abortion should be safe, legal and rare, which it clearly wasn't. But the only issue is whether it was a legal right under the constitution at the state level, which also, it clearly wasn't. This is correcting a previous piss-poor decision.

    It shouldn't be used as lazy / stupid birth control or relationship-retaliation for Springer-show-wannabes.

    BLM - Baby Lives Matter

  • carla

    Back in the 80's I had a conversation with a woman who said her sister had 11 abortions. The woman wasn't even 30 years old by that time. Can you imagine? 11! I asked if that was her method of birth control? and why didn't she consider birth control to begin with? The woman I was talking with didn't seem to see it as a problem. I did.

  • Fisherman

    Not considering the religious aspect, the unborn is a human life at every stage of development. Every human alive existed first in the simplest form; it is just a matter of time to grow but it is still the same person. If a fetus is threatening the life of its mother then it may be up to the mother but the argument I don’t want this thing growing inside of me because it is my body; I am going to get it killed aborted ignores the fact that the fetus is human being in its stage of development. Does the government though have jurisdiction inside a person’s body. The issue is not whether or not a human fetus is a person because obviously it does not stop being a person or become a person. It is always a human life. The one and only issue is whether it is legal to take its life based on the fetus living inside its mother’s body. A person can be prosecuted for killing a born baby so it is a matter of location.

  • TonusOH
    It won't happen, they are controlled by the left and the left are currently in power and things are already bad enough without them making things worse.

    I hope you're right. But I don't think those groups will see that. The extreme left wing seems to be taking the approach that they have to act now, and this would be an attack against a court that may have a conservative majority for a pretty long time. They must also be concerned that, if 2022 and 2024 lead to a Republican President with majorities in both houses and a friendly court, much bigger changes may be coming. Changes that they will not like at all.

    This might be their last real chance to do a lot of damage and unleash violence and destruction with relatively little cost to themselves. That is a very tempting opportunity for a group that believes that their cause is so important that any action is moral and just.

  • Simon

    Democrats haven't been this angry since the republicans freed their slaves!

    I wonder if they'll now admit to knowing what a woman is?

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