I do believe the majority of young people in the org lack motivation for "the truth" and are falling out. I have seen this and continue to observe it in the circuit I am in. The number of young ones reaching out once they graduate is minute. Most are going after "worldly" goals instead of spiritual ones which is good for them. I wish I had done that. I see that parents are not spirituality encouraging their kids. The result of this is that when a child is dfd the parents feelings for their children goes above the org's instructions. The gb knows they are losing control and are trying to stem the tide but it's not working.
JoinedPosts by untruth
November JW broadcast is up, this time on not telling the truth, shunning
by bohm innovember broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
End of world preachers
by untruth inwhen it comes to predicting when the world will end, false prophets/preachers always find a way to say that it's going to end sometime during their lifetime.
charles russell, joseph rutherford, fred franz, harold camping, current gb members and so many others have done this.
why is it they never say something like "the world will end in eight hundred years according to the bible"?
When it comes to predicting when the world will end, false prophets/preachers always find a way to say that it's going to end sometime during their lifetime. Charles Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Fred Franz, Harold Camping, current gb members and so many others have done this. Why is it they never say something like "the world will end in eight hundred years according to the Bible"? If they did that they would end up with no followers. This is why the gb has to keep tweaking "new light" and come up with different explanations that make less and less sense regarding the end of the world. We know why people become JWs. Because the end of the world is coming during THEIR lifetime and paradise will be here. -
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
The response to my request for help has been amazing from many of you. Much of the advice has been excellent. There’s too many to list by name but I’m very grateful. I’m trying to take it slow with my wife even though it’s very difficult because I want to get on with my life. Yes, I was a bit nervous as I clicked send on my post thinking there’s no going back. I do think I’ve become a better husband and I believe she’s noticed that. Maybe it’s because a big weight has been removed as now even though I’m still serving as an elder I don’t stress out like I used to about issues going on in the congregation. I spend so much more time with her and have had more time for dates which is great.
Asking her questions is great advice instead of just coming out and showing her, along with mentioning doubts I have and doing research together. I also have difficulty commenting at meetings. I used to comment a lot now I do it once or maybe twice to keep appearances. I’m still being asked to give talks at assemblies and it’s tough to say no because I don’t want anyone to figure out something is going on. One good thing is that many in our two families are out so fortunately we’ll have a lot of support if I’m able to help her. Unfortunately we don’t have children but we’d love to have kids. I agree that all is not well at headquarters with finances, child abuse, lack of growth, etc.
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting on here so I’m not sure where to start. I’m trying to keep it as short as possible since I could expand much more. I’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half. I have been an elder for the last 20+ years, having been appointed at a young age. In addition to that I served as a regular pioneer. My wife and I never had children so that we could put the kingdom first. We sacrificed a lot. As a result of the zeal I displayed I have had and still have many “privileges” in the organization. I mention all these things not to boast about accomplishments that are worth nothing but to demonstrate how indoctrinated I was and pretty much believed everything the organization taught.
It’s been tough to realize how misguided I was, even though I’ve always had lingering doubts, but I kept trusting that the organization knew best. Well the time came when I couldn’t keep pushing those doubts to the back of my mind. So I started doing research with the thought that if the witnesses have the truth then why should the organization be afraid of us making sure of all things. The truth should be able to withstand anything that’s thrown at it. Truth is truth. Never did I imagine I would come to find out that most everything I had been taught was false! One of my first thoughts was that I’ve wasted all these years for nothing! I really wonder how many elders are in a situation similar to mine.
The joy has vanished from anything I do related to fs or meetings but I think I’ve done a good job hiding my true feelings, since I’m still an elder! It’s getting harder and harder each day that passes to do “spiritual” things. A lot of times during meetings I’m comparing the NWT with the Kingdom interlinear in jw app (this may not be the best interlinear but it has helped me a lot in realizing how the NWT is changed according to the WT’s interpretation).
The main reason I haven’t come out or faded is due to my wife because I want to help her. It would be hard to find someone with as much belief in what the gb says and also belief about the paradise as her. She is truly hard core when it comes to that. I’m trying to come out slowly to her and plan on using the bible for anything I discuss with her. Until now I’ve been able to show her with a few texts how disfellowshipping, as practiced by the Witnesses, is not bible based. Surprisingly she accepted that Dfing is incorrect! However, she went on to say that it doesn’t matter whether the practice is wrong, what’s important is we obey the brothers taking the lead. Guess what she said next? Yup, “Jehovah will take care of it sooner or later”. At that moment I tried coming up with a crazy directive we could receive from the gb to get her reaction so I said “ok what if the gb out of the blue says we can’t talk to Asian or latino people anymore even though that’s not Bible based?”. What she said next blew my mind. She thought for a moment then said “then we would have to obey what they tell us and I wouldn’t talk to them”. I kept my calm even though I wanted to scream! I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. It kind of left me speechless and couldn’t think of what to say. We left it at that and a few weeks have passed since then. I don’t blame her for thinking that way since that reasoning has been repeated time after time in her from an early age. We are to do what the gb says no questions asked. That’s all we’ve known.
I’m unsure where to go from here in terms of what to talk to her next. I’ve thought of reading Heb. 13:7, 9 because they show that those taking the lead “have spoken the word of God” (Dfing, as practiced by JWs is not the word of God as she admitted) and verse 9 states that we don’t want to “be led astray by various and strange teachings”. Does this seem like a good tactic or should I go on to another wrong teaching such as not celebrating birthdays, house to house not based on the bible, 1914, etc? She has no doubt that we need to follow the gb no matter what they say so somehow I need to help her understand that the gb is bogus. Help please!