What I took away from gagging my way through this chuckle-heads pontificating was that he is full of himself, just like every other "elder".
The term "Be careful for nothing" is very easy to understand, regardless of what Schafer claims. It means just the opposite of be careful for everything, or to worry about everything. Then he goes on with these statements.
"But now, regarding the comments in our text today that have to do with stumbling," This directs attention to anyone who may have been stumbled by the unscriptural speech or actions of others in the org.
"Jehovah reminds us through his word that sometimes things happen in Jehovah’s organization that ought not to happen." There we have the not so veiled admission that the org. is no different from any other organization, regardless of the claims by the governing body, or any other member.
". . .the Christian Greek Scriptures are full of counsel directed to us to help us put up with those who have given us a legitimate cause for complaint." And there is the icing on the cake. We have a legitimate cause for complaint (think pedophilia) but one must just sit down, shut up, and put up with it!
One must NEVER be satisfied with just hearing the words spoken by these TV personalities but listen to what isn't said.