@Simon. . ."We welcome facts and reasoning because both are on our side."
funniest thing I read on here all day!!
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
@Simon. . ."We welcome facts and reasoning because both are on our side."
funniest thing I read on here all day!!
i read coc long ago.
those of you more able to recall the text, i ask: how many doctrines did ray franz expose / comment on in crisis of conscience have been done away with due to "new light"?
i think it would be interesting to see if ray called bs on doctrines that were later changed because the governing body also realized they were bs.
My memory is about as long as, well you know. . .but I think I remember reading that he had some questions about the teaching that the FDS was all anointed on earth as taught then, and that it would reasonably be only a small number, perhaps the governing body, and basically had that idea shot down?
I am sure someone with better memory than mine will remember and verify, or correct me if I am wrong.
so last night i got to have some more fun at the meeting.. the serve us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "these words must be on your heart" video.. question three was, "what scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?
" then before any answers the conductor had deut.
6:6,7 read.
I use over-the-top comments like the one in this thread and others to "tweak" those who are fully asleep and indoctrinated. Perhaps someone will hear the comment and think, "Shit, that really is how the JDubya's think!"
Have a wonderful rest of the day.
Not likely, but at the risk of "outing" myself, I could always claim I heard it on TV or some such, I thought I would use the term and maybe, just maybe someone with their handy-dandy oh-so-spiritual tablet would research the term and begin to think.
so last night i got to have some more fun at the meeting.. the serve us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "these words must be on your heart" video.. question three was, "what scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?
" then before any answers the conductor had deut.
6:6,7 read.
So last night I got to have some more fun at the meeting.
The Serve Us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "These Words Must Be On Your Heart" video.
Question three was, "What Scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?" Then before any answers the conductor had Deut. 6:6,7 read. OFS got his hand up in the air, and got called on.
The answer OFS gave was, "We see from this scripture the BEHAVIOR that parents must follow in providing the INFORMATION their children need in order to display the correct THOUGHT process that Jehovah's Witness children should show. This will result in a good EMOTION and happiness for their children. A good acronym to remember for this scripture could be BITE, and the parents in the video showed a good example of how to do that."
Ah, the fun of the meetings. . . I wonder how long they will keep on calling on me?
so i'm watching the interview with g-jack and he says that if a question comes up about doctrine, the gb have a meeting.
so my question is this, who questions anything and how do they submit a question?
he seems to painting some kind of "democracy" picture for the rc.. he also said that the 7 gb members can't possible know everything about doctrine...wtf???
What about the consciences of the flock who can’t abide by certain decisions they have made. So their consciences are more important than the flock and the flock must abide by their consciences?
Yes, they expect the R&F to blindly follow their conscience regardless of what a person's own conscience may prompt them to do. Their own printed words condemn them. . .again. This sentence in the quoted magazine said:
*** w96 9/1 pp. 23-24 par. 15 Living by the Law of the Christ ***
15. A Christian does not try to dictate what steps his brother should or should not take in matters that are not specifically covered in the Bible. --Romans 12: 1; 1 Corinthians 4: 6
So either they are not Christian, or they are liars. How many rules do they make that are not in the Bible.
That is why each, and every time any of the elders try to give me "counsel" I just hand then the Bible and say SHOW ME. Ninety-nine percent of the time that ends the conversation.
so once again i was able to make a comment to tweak those who were at this mornings wt parrot session using their own printed words.
the question on par.
10 was, "why is flirting dangerous?".
Actually yes, he did come up to me shortly after the final prayer and mentioned how he appreciated my unique perspective, and how it was refreshing to hear someone not afraid to "tell it like it is".
I guess he doesn't recognize sarcasm when he hears it.
so once again i was able to make a comment to tweak those who were at this mornings wt parrot session using their own printed words.
the question on par.
10 was, "why is flirting dangerous?".
So once again I was able to make a comment to tweak those who were at this mornings WT parrot session using their own printed words.
The question on par. 10 was, "Why is flirting dangerous?"
My answer was, "The paragraph helps us know that flirting will lead to unclean desires, and as the scripture in par. 2 says the desire will give birth to sin. In this case flirting results in sex. And as the governing body had printed in a WT a few years ago about saying a greeting, 'We all know a simple "hello" is the first step leading to a conversation and friendship, and we would not want to take that first step.' so we today would not want to greet or engage in conversation with anyone we aren't married to, as that is the first step leading to a friendship, which would lead to flirting and sex."
according to the august jw broadcast the new britian branch is scheduled to open by december 31, 2019 and is currently the 2nd largest construction project (assuming warwick is the largest).
are the current facilities that spread out that a more centalized location the main reason for acquiring and developing an 85 acre site?
also, with the end looming on the horizon, what message does that send regarding making long-term plans?
Also, with the end looming on the horizon, what message does that send regarding making long-term plans?
The end looming in sight? Not so much anymore. I made the comment to an uber dub that the focus has shifted, using the WT words for proof. Last Sunday WT said this is par. 16, "IF we maintain our Christian integrity, we MAY well witness one of the greatest miracles of all time--the miracle of surviving the great tribulation."
I then asked what happened to the term SOON that was often used thirty or forty years ago, and the term VERY SOON used only a few short years ago? He just had a blank look on his face.
walking towards my seat after lunch, i made eye-contact with a j.w.
male walking towards me.
as we were passing, he smiled and said 'hello', so i replied with, 'hello'.. well, if a member of the g.b.
Did you also notice that sister giving her exprience who was a part-time radiologist at the hospital? Apparently all her "worldly" co-workers are shagging each other. WTF?
You've got to be kidding! That was the EXACT SAME experience given at the con-vention I was at in the central United States!
i have not turned in a single field service report this year.
i decided not to, after noticing the simple flaw in the calculation of 1914. the implications are huge, i.e the appointment of the fds is a fraud.
i some days ago informed them of the private watchtower documents that are in my possession courtesy of the royal commission.
If you tell them you want your own witness to the meeting and will be recording it
I said something similar many years ago. I informed them that everything said would be recorded. They, of course, got very nervous and told me that no recordings were to be made. I told then they should try to stop angels in heaven, Jesus, and God himself from "recording" what they said. They adjourned the meeting until a "later date."
Little did they know that there was also the small pocket recorder on my person. (Was that spiritual warfare?)