JoinedPosts by OneFingerSalute
Prodigal Returns Review/Commentary!
by WatchtowerReviewz inin this "exciting" watchtower production we see the biblical story of "the prodigal son" come to life in a modern setting full of intrigue, suspense, office whores, drama, parties, and the best cop car chase scene capture on film since "police story!
" i think some of you may find it interesting.
Please could you give me your opinions on this statement? . . .
by Miss Worldly in'i have prayed, and confessed my sins to my god, i'm not telling them (the elders) anything'.
.. could this be a significant sign that there maybe a small dent in the armour of an active jw?
or is it just a case of 'keep your nose out' ?
It seems they have at least one article or assembly talk a year that states that "serious sins" (dfing offenses) have to be confessed to the elders in order to gain forgiveness.
Every time I have heard this line of uncastrated male bovine excrement from them I always ask someone near me, "When are the confessionals going to begin being built in the KH so we can go to confession?"
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Prodigal Returns Review/Commentary!
by WatchtowerReviewz inin this "exciting" watchtower production we see the biblical story of "the prodigal son" come to life in a modern setting full of intrigue, suspense, office whores, drama, parties, and the best cop car chase scene capture on film since "police story!
" i think some of you may find it interesting.
Anton and Jessica, aren't they the same two "acting" in the new tear jerker movie depicting how there is no such thing as love unless one is the typical JDubya slave? -
I Hate the Sound of the Word Jehovah
by cofty inlistening to clips of the latest manipulative video from the watchtower i realised how much i detest that word - jehovah.. sometimes i have thought it would be interesting to observe a meeting or part of a convention.
every time i heard that word i would be unable to stay in my seat.. i have a visceral reaction every time i hear it.
it stands for so much that i have contempt for.
On the other hand, I love Jeehoober, Jay-hoobar, Jeehobo, Jeehoobidoob and Jeehoover!
Those are funny. I asked a friend how many names "god" had. They said, "Just one. Jehovah."
I told them that there were many names. Jehobo. . .god of the homeless. Jehoover. . .god of the house-keepers. Jehoho. . .god of the comedians.
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Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
As in the case of David, God and his Law was severe with poor fellas (especially women), but very loose with favored kings and patriarchs..
That explains quite well the way eldurrs today treat "their" congregations, doesn't it?
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"Only Baptized Ones have Unrestricted Privilege of Prayer"
by BluesBrother ini was sitting at the recent circuit assembly that i attended, (the things i do for sis blues) and the baptism talk was under way .
i admit that my mind was more on my imminent packed lunch and flask of coffee but i distinctly heard the speaker make the statement that heads this thread and cite a wt reference.. you what !
i was shocked....... how can they possibly make such an arrogant statement ?
Wt May 15 1990 p12
And only baptized believers have an unrestricted privilege of approaching the King Eternal in prayer"
***w00 3/1 pp. 5-7 God Does Answer Prayers ***
A young woman in India was in serious need of comfort. Married at 21, she had two children. But soon after the birth of the second child, her husband died. Suddenly, at the age of 24, she was a widow with a 2-month-old daughter and a 22-month-old son. No wonder she needed comfort! Where could she turn? One night, in deep distress, she prayed, saying, “Heavenly Father, please comfort me through your Word.”
The next morning, she had a visitor. He was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.***w00 3/1 pp. 5-7 God Does Answer Prayers ***
Another example showing the power of prayer is that of a couple who live in the South African city of Johannesburg. On a Saturday night in 1996, Dennis and Carol’s marriage reached the breaking point. As a last resort, they decided to pray for help, which they repeatedly did until late into the night. The next morning, at 11 o’clock, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked at their doorJust two quotes from the WT propaganda. So which is it? God hears prayers of people who aren't baptized, or he doesn't? WT speaking out of both sides of their mouth, again! Most people I know would call that LYING!
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Does a brother have to be appointed an MS to be an account servant?
by 4thgen inas many of you know, my ex-husband was removed as an elder for child abuse.
i was told at the time he would never be reappointed in any capacity.
yet i heard today he was appointed as an account servant.
Some years ago I was given the accounts to handle. First as an "assistant" to an eldurr, then by myself. The CO even said that the records were the best he had seen, and all congregations should be that precise and neat.
One of the self-important eldurrs complained, bitterly, after the CO moved on to his next assignment, and got me removed from that chore.
Interesting thing is that after three years I pretty well had a good handle on who gave how much. It was the poor, the disabled, the old who gave the most. Not one of the eldurrs of Mistrial Serpents gave much if anything. Damned selfish as-a-wholes!
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
As others have said. . .David. Just got in a pretty heated discussion in the last week about that bone-head. He whines like a spoiled baby wanting a drink of water, then when his men go get it for him he pours it out and refuses to drink it. And that is held up as a good example? What in the frigging hell did he think his men were going to do when he whined about that well water? Just sit on their thumbs? He was supposed to be the king, wasn't he?
Reminds me so much of the eldurrs these days. Self-entitled pr--ks!
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wt today
by bobld inpara 6 *older experienced brothers(i assume d.o/c.o./elders) may be (will be) asked to step aside.i recall in the past the wt said we don't retire at 65 or 70 like day it sounds like they do retire only difference clergy of christendon receive benefits and a pension.
Had a fill in conductor today. A "new" MS brown-noser. OFS didn't get called on today, so he penned a comment in the margin next to the footnote for par. 6. "Will the governing body members follow their own advice, and step aside for younger anointed to assume their responsibilities?" Then I conveniently forgot my WT on the back counter (unseen of course) with it opened to that page.Link +11 / -0