To sum it up in all one word...PRIDE.
I've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-JW boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field. But I was actually pretty regular for awhile.
My pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however. I had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but I was really struggling now. I had taken to "fudging" hours on my time report, but I made sure even those hours were less than the required hours, since I didn't want anyone becoming suspicious lol.
The elders finally said they had to meet with me. I agreed to meet them at the Kingdom Hall. When I got there, there were 3 elders standing in front of me. I inwardly started freaking out because I thought my double life had caught up with me. Then mysteriously, they dismissed the third elder and took me in the back room. They pretty much told me that I should probably come off the pioneer list. I agreed, kind of relieved they made that decision for me.
Until I realized that they were going to announce that I was stepping down as a pioneer at the meeting in front of the entire congregation. I had never had my name announced on the podium for anything other than good news, so an announcement like that and the subsequent judging from my so called brothers and sisters mortified me.
So I decided to avoid the humiliation altogether by not going to the meetings, especially since I didn't know which meeting they were going to make the announcement.
So I guess you could say pride and fear of humiliation led to my unknowing fade...