November Broadcast showed a couple of the more boring talks with no new light at all.
This means that rank and file still have not heard the new light unless they hear whispers from what has been leaked.
until the new light gets released the official old light is that all unbaptised persons alive on earth at Armageddon will be killed. So all JWs are hoping that unbaptised loved ones will die before Jehovah kills them. If they die before, the old light is they will be resurrected so let’s hope they die before. As absurd as that sounds that is what JW official doctrine is until they release the new light.
Jeff Jackson actually mocks this teaching and very patronisingly give the impression you are so stupid to believe this doctrine. I’d have to agree with him on that one but Jeff, your 8 million have been told to believe that and until you release that talk they will still believe this!