When it comes to following the word of the GB I don’t think anywhere is more lenient. The letter to all congregations said that every coordinator of bodies of Elders had to confirm that all appointed brothers were fully vaccinated.
I don’t think there were many congregations if any, who went against this direction from the GB.
I hear there were many elders who did not keep up with all the boosters and answered honestly that they were not fully vaccinated. Maybe some lied but I doubt it.
But all the appointed brothers who were not fully vaxed were NOT allowed to go to the in person Kingdom ministry school last year.
The next kingdom ministry school will be very interesting to see if they do a U turn on that direction. But as it stands the direction is still only fully vaccinated can go to any theocratic schools or volunteering for any project or to work at the branch.
whatever happens at the next KM school if they do a U turn or not, it will be what everyone is talking about as many brothers were not allowed to go last year as they made the wise decision not to get fully vaccinated.