IWant2Know6 hours ago
Foolednomore said:
Why would you invest in Watchtower when you have to continue paying into the investment and have yet to see one dividend? This is your Time,and money, your life. What do you have to show?
But they would say the dividends would be the positive results in their lives whether it would be having given up cigarettes or drugs, or anger control, wife beating, sexual immorality, or even not having an anticipation that there's a solution to the world's woes
Yes that last one is very important, having a hope in a solution to the worlds woes. Because everyone needs something to believe in. This is the dividend you keep getting paid. I have read a few books on this. Many people grow up with nothing, or just a vague idea of some kind of belief their parents had.
At some time of their life they ask the big questions like how did the origin of the universe come about was it design or chance?
I have seen it a few times where usually in mid life or sometimes later someone realises they need something to believe in, call it religion or call it a belief system or whatever. This helps you to be grounded.
So many who leave JWs or any other high control group feel lost, they don’t know where to go or what to believe in.
So the question is asked why invest in JW or other belief systems? Because it grounds you and gives you a sense of purpose and a hope.
I personally have experienced both that sense of being grounded and the sense of being lost. I now have found a middle ground where I don’t believe the JWs but I like the sound of JWlite.
I would like the community aspect of JWlite and all the love bombing when they think you may come back. And Im absolutely honest with the elders or anyone who asks me that Im still not sure if God exists or if the Bible is his word.
So they keep the love bombing and trying to get me to come back even though I grew up in the congregation but I’ve been out for a long time.
This is what I suggest to others now. Don’t leave in a hard exit which means you will be shunned. Just inform the elders you have become inactive. This does not warrant shunning. This is a soft fade. Then after a while you tell them you are possibly thinking of coming back and you get love bombed and all the advantages of being part of the congregation. You can milk this indefinitely.