"Apparently some people must buy it out of nostalgia believe it or not!"
Sounds like pining for the years when the school bully kicked your butt. 😱
so, here i am going through boxes and boxes of old wt literature.
i’m stacking it up from 1940’s to 1990’s.
i also have quite a few gems, like one 1917 studies in the scriptures.
"Apparently some people must buy it out of nostalgia believe it or not!"
Sounds like pining for the years when the school bully kicked your butt. 😱
i have finally sat down and read this letter.
i won't recreate the letter here, but if someone wants to share the link here, please do.. announcements and reminders.
february 2025. for elders.
"School for Kingdom Evangelizers (new term to me)"
They're always doing this. John the Baptist becomes John the Baptiser. Evangelists become evangelisers. What's next: communists become communisers? Atheists become atheisers?
where did this phrase 'in the truth' come from?.
it's been around as long as i can remember.
is it from the time they were promoting 'the truth shall make you free' book back in 1943?
I seem to recall the Christadelphians referring to their beliefs as "the truth".
not really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
"The disfellowshipping arrangement is still in place, the 2 witness rule is still in place, social control is still a thing"
The HLCs still exist, so no sign of blood becoming "a conscience matter" either.
in the org's vocabulary, the term "independent thinking" is applied pejoratively to any jw who thinks & reasons for themselves.
the org's lawyer knew exactly what he was doing in court when he voiced his carefully prepared words:.
"watchtowers lawyer anders ryssdal compares jehovah’s witnesses’ baptism to the norwegian state church’s confirmation of 15-year-olds, arguing that their baptism is no different.
"Membership is open to everyone, and anyone can leave. "
That's bullshit and they know it. "Everyone" can't just be baptised; a rigorous process must be followed. "Anyone" can leave, if they're prepared to be ostracised by family and their former social circle. Which is precisely the problem the various governments are starting to have with the WT. Can these blokes even lie straight in bed?
"Ryssdal claims that if children are baptized too early, it is the parents’ fault - not Jehovah’s Witnesses."
Nothing to stop the WT from requiring the very important decision to be baptised as a JW to only be allowed once someone reaches their majority.
Comparing JW baptism to confirmation is ludicrous. The Norwegian state church doesn't disfellowship and ostracise people who leave or try to fade.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
I'm completely in the dark as to context. Has there been a recent WT article saying something stupid about aging?
that aged well lol.
since then 4 younger gb members appointed.
Let's remember how we "know" that the FDS was appointed in 1919: a criminal thug who incited riots was released from prison.
Duran, Is some new light incoming that may allow the GB to have a seat at the President's table?
It would be amusing, not only to see a GB member "performing obeisance" to the secular leader of the world, but watching them trying to act chummy with leaders from other religions.
i wonder why so many kings are needed for the millennial reign?
the almighty governing body says 24,000,000,000 people combined from those resurrected and the survivors of the big 'a' could make it into paradise.
that gives you 1 king for every 166,665 persons.
Even if Rutherford would be disfellowshipped were he to be resurrected today, he's still foundational. The JW "church" is built upon the Rutherfordian rock.
My thought is that they will eventually try to make the 144,000* "go away" and that only the GB and those closest to them will be considered to be annointed and the FDS. And the Memorial will be further bastardised to the point that it will be a live broadcast to the world's Kingdom Halls of the GB partaking, to the exclusion of all others.
Not a prediction, just a thought. They've uncoupled the 144,000 and the FDS. The above scenario might make a logical follow through.
* Rutherford's problem child.
the jws haven't been to my door for a while, but i don't doubt that they'll turn up eventually*.
(i saw easter eggs in the supermarket yesterday, so "memorial" season is fast approaching 🙄).
what's a good question to ask, to get the ball rolling?.
The JWs haven't been to my door for a while, but I don't doubt that they'll turn up eventually*. (I saw Easter eggs in the supermarket yesterday, so "Memorial" season is fast approaching 🙄)
What's a good question to ask, to get the ball rolling?
* They did turn up a few times last year