This does not prevent JWs who work in the hospital (billing, records, nursing, etc.) from telling local elders about any patients taking blood, having STDs, having drug addictions, or getting abortions. (Not uncommon).
This in its own right is a good reason to not employ JWs in the medical field. Believe it or not, this is actual WT policy, unless they've officially repudiated it. I recall a 1987 Watchtower article about a loyal witness named Mary who worked in a local MD's or GP's practice in some sort of administrative role. She was snooping through the practice's files and discovered that a "sister" had had an abortion (or was single and on the pill - it's a very long time since I read the article!) Mary dutifully ratted on her to the elders, who were able to bring down the full force of Jehovah's loving provision on the hapless sister. (I wonder if they required the two witnesses rule in this case?) The effect of the article was that Mary did the right thing, and so should you, loyal Witness!
Of course, you can't not employ someone because they belong to a certain religion. But I bet most exes here can smell a Witness a mile off and make a plausible case for hiring the other candidate for the job. Is it horrible of me to suggest that you should not employ JWs? Considering that the Mary article is WT policy (afaik - if it has been officially rescinded, let me know!), no! If you work in any field where sensitive client data is kept, then any loyal Witness you employ is potentially a WT spy.
JoinedPosts by NotFormer
Blood Card Check
by NotFormer ini remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting wt dignitary.
that the blood cards were current, and that the r&f were carrying them.. given the situation in some countries that kingdom halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?.
are there any places where it is illegal for the hlc to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick jw?.
Can the org's finances be viewed?
by BoogerMan indoes anyone know where to view the wtbts of new york and pennsylvania's financial records?.
i mean, they are registered charities aren't they, so surely their income/expenditures must be open to scrutiny?.
"I believe they are transporting some money physically to Swiss banks in the Bahamas to avoid a paper trail and to always have liquid assets available. The unusual Florida airstrip purchase (and strange caretaker death) may be tied to this"
Are there any links to coverage of these events?
Blood Card Check
by NotFormer ini remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting wt dignitary.
that the blood cards were current, and that the r&f were carrying them.. given the situation in some countries that kingdom halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?.
are there any places where it is illegal for the hlc to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick jw?.
I remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting WT dignitary. That the blood cards were current, and that the R&F were carrying them.
Given the situation in some countries that Kingdom Halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?
Are there any places where it is illegal for the HLC to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick JW?
I ask a lot of these questions because I was never a JW, hence my username.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Tattoos
by NotFormer ini was wondering about the jw attitude towards getting tattoos.. redditors suggest that the only jws who have them would have got them before they were baptised.. gives a meally-mouthed "true christians wouldn't" response.. but no-one (that i've seen so far) answers the question i'm actually asking: is getting a tattoo after being baptised a disfellowshipping offence?.
if not disfellowshipable, how would a typical jw congregation treat someone who got a tattoo after baptism?
would they really treat it like it is a conscience issue?.
Growing up, I was always leary of tattooed people. There's a nurse in the local emergency department (I visit there way too frequently) whose arms are covered in tattoos, but contrary to my childhood fears, she is the sweetest lady you ever met. To be fair, her tattoos are all floral in nature.
Conscience Issues
by NotFormer inthought inspired by my post on tattoos: within the watchtower organisation, how many "conscience issues" actually are?
are people who actually do exercise their consciences in grey areas painting a target on their backs for the more hard-line dubs?
are they quietly avoided because " bad associations spoil useful habits"?
Bluesbrother, can you think of any examples where they have published definite black and white directives as opposed to a previous conscience based stance?
2023-August-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis inpage 1.
page 2. .
page 3. .
"30 years ago that was the case.
I'd bet you have a bit of gray around the temples"
Somewhat 😁
I was never a JW, and it's 20 years since I had much to do with the ex community. I remember there being much discussion on the WT transitioning away from the literature donation model.
I wonder if they wouldn't be in the financial dire straits they are today, if they weren't so paranoid about sales tax and paid their taxes like everyone else. 🙄
double standard
by enoughisenough ini was thinking about the henrietta ??
trust that the org has with the questionable stock in warfare, entertainment, and tobacco among others.
why wouldn't they get rid of all of that?
Just had a look at the most recently uploaded tax return for the trust. Substantial for the average person, but chicken feed to the WT. $3m in assets only yields about $50k after administration expenses. As Jeff has said in another thread about this, there are bigger smoking guns to worry about than this matter, albeit a very interesting situation.
double standard
by enoughisenough ini was thinking about the henrietta ??
trust that the org has with the questionable stock in warfare, entertainment, and tobacco among others.
why wouldn't they get rid of all of that?
Isn't the trust controlled by the trustee? While a beneficiary has no say in how the trust is run, unless they are also the trustee (that's possible under Australian trust law - not sure if the same is the case in the USA), there's nothing to stop a beneficiary making specific requests to the trustee. The trustee could very well decide to humour the beneficiary, if the request is reasonable.
If you have any more insight into this matter, I'd be very interested to know, Jeff!
I never thought of the cash handling aspect.
It's an interesting situation in this town. Not only do the dubs have a literature rack, but so do other groups. The Open Brethren have a table, giving away not just tracts, but full copies of the NKJV. There's even a bloke with a table set up to sell socialist literature and books. This usually happens on Saturday. A few times I've seen another group that I assume is not the Brethren because they have Gideon bibles, a guitar and are singing much more modern choruses than what the Brethren usually sing at the their services. I think they're from the main Pentecostal church in town.
Perhaps I could appeal to their pride: "There are so many people giving away bibles, but I have heard that yours is the most accurate and true to the original souces!" 😁😆
New Version of NWT
by NotFormer inhow does it compare to the old one?.
has anything changed much?.
how do i get a copy?
I'll have a look on yt