Boogerman: A very big "if" indeed! For example, take The Gambia: one of Africa's poorest countries. The number Witnesses is 280. The minimum legal wage is 50 Dalasi a day. To put that in perspective, that is about $1.25 Australian, or a bit less than $1 US. To be fair, the daily wage is more likely to be 200 Dalasi. But since 60% of the economy is subsistence agriculture, even 50 Dalasi a day may be above the real average daily income. In the WT's favour, the number of JW in The Gambia about 20 years ago was about 55, so at least a fourfold increase!!
Why bring that up? WT puts great stock in anecdotes about "African brothers" walking 50 miles through crocodile infested swamps. African growth is (or was) one of the few bright spots in the otherwise bleak prospects for the WT. Swapping African growth for Western decline is not a sustainable funding model.
BTW, is the suggested figure of $10.75 weekly?