You don't shoot the dog, but you do stone false prophets.
Nice of them to admit they're as smart as a dog that barks at nothing!
annual meeting 2019—talks and 2020 year textthe governing body members are nothing but a bunch of weasels.
here is a talk by jeffrey jackson on how the governing body ''the slave class'' has remained spiritually awake over 100 years and alerted its members.. he looks back on the ''faithful and discreet slaves'' false dates over the 100 years: '' but at times, we look back over 100 years, and there were times they got excited about a certain year or time, and the end didn't come at that time.''.
he makes the comparison between the ''slave class ( who disappointed others when the end didn't come ) to a barking watchdog ( who in his enthusiasm barks at nothing in the middle of the night and wakes up the owner).
You don't shoot the dog, but you do stone false prophets.
Nice of them to admit they're as smart as a dog that barks at nothing!
i remember that the wt used to regularly publish their membership and memorial attendance numbers.
was that in the watchtower?.
how would i find the current numbers by country?
Punk, no they do not!
The yearbook makes sense. I was never in, so I never had access to one. But I do remember a comprehensive list of countries and their publisher numbers in something handheld, I.e. paper copy. I'm wondering if it wasn't an annual list in the January Watchtower. It was at least 2 decades ago, so going back a while!
i remember that the wt used to regularly publish their membership and memorial attendance numbers.
was that in the watchtower?.
how would i find the current numbers by country?
I remember that the WT used to regularly publish their membership and memorial attendance numbers. Was that in the Watchtower?
How would I find the current numbers by country? Anyone got a link?
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Boogerman: A very big "if" indeed! For example, take The Gambia: one of Africa's poorest countries. The number Witnesses is 280. The minimum legal wage is 50 Dalasi a day. To put that in perspective, that is about $1.25 Australian, or a bit less than $1 US. To be fair, the daily wage is more likely to be 200 Dalasi. But since 60% of the economy is subsistence agriculture, even 50 Dalasi a day may be above the real average daily income. In the WT's favour, the number of JW in The Gambia about 20 years ago was about 55, so at least a fourfold increase!!
Why bring that up? WT puts great stock in anecdotes about "African brothers" walking 50 miles through crocodile infested swamps. African growth is (or was) one of the few bright spots in the otherwise bleak prospects for the WT. Swapping African growth for Western decline is not a sustainable funding model.
BTW, is the suggested figure of $10.75 weekly?
does anyone know where to view the wtbts of new york and pennsylvania's financial records?.
i mean, they are registered charities aren't they, so surely their income/expenditures must be open to scrutiny?.
Thanks 👍
Nothing in there about the caretaker's death or cash being flown to the Bahamas, though.
Don't get me wrong: I wouldn't doubt anything bad about that rotten organisation, given plausible proof. Having sources to throw in their smug faces next time they are at my door is important to me.
does anyone know where to view the wtbts of new york and pennsylvania's financial records?.
i mean, they are registered charities aren't they, so surely their income/expenditures must be open to scrutiny?.
Balaam's Ass, I have tried several searches and can't find any reference to an airstrip or airfield being purchased in Florida. What happened there and why was the caretaker's death suspicious?
i remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting wt dignitary.
that the blood cards were current, and that the r&f were carrying them.. given the situation in some countries that kingdom halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?.
are there any places where it is illegal for the hlc to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick jw?.
September 1st Watchtower, 1987
Notice that the FDS are quite happy for Mary to face prison time or being sued.
I wonder if they have changed their tune in the face of stricter data gathering laws.
Is Mary's precedent still WT policy, or has it been officially changed or diluted?
i remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting wt dignitary.
that the blood cards were current, and that the r&f were carrying them.. given the situation in some countries that kingdom halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?.
are there any places where it is illegal for the hlc to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick jw?.
Stuffed up the highlighting above! Is there a post on how to use that feature properly on here?
i remember many years ago that apparently there was an annual event where witnesses' blood cards (or whatever they're called) were checked by some visiting wt dignitary.
that the blood cards were current, and that the r&f were carrying them.. given the situation in some countries that kingdom halls can't legally keep data about people who have been visited, is the practice of checking and enforcing the carrying of blood cards similarly illegal in some places?.
are there any places where it is illegal for the hlc to set up camp near the hospital bed of a sick jw?.
This does not prevent JWs who work in the hospital (billing, records, nursing, etc.) from telling local elders about any patients taking blood, having STDs, having drug addictions, or getting abortions. (Not uncommon).
This in its own right is a good reason to not employ JWs in the medical field. Believe it or not, this is actual WT policy, unless they've officially repudiated it. I recall a 1987 Watchtower article about a loyal witness named Mary who worked in a local MD's or GP's practice in some sort of administrative role. She was snooping through the practice's files and discovered that a "sister" had had an abortion (or was single and on the pill - it's a very long time since I read the article!) Mary dutifully ratted on her to the elders, who were able to bring down the full force of Jehovah's loving provision on the hapless sister. (I wonder if they required the two witnesses rule in this case?) The effect of the article was that Mary did the right thing, and so should you, loyal Witness!
Of course, you can't not employ someone because they belong to a certain religion. But I bet most exes here can smell a Witness a mile off and make a plausible case for hiring the other candidate for the job. Is it horrible of me to suggest that you should not employ JWs? Considering that the Mary article is WT policy (afaik - if it has been officially rescinded, let me know!), no! If you work in any field where sensitive client data is kept, then any loyal Witness you employ is potentially a WT spy.
does anyone know where to view the wtbts of new york and pennsylvania's financial records?.
i mean, they are registered charities aren't they, so surely their income/expenditures must be open to scrutiny?.
"I believe they are transporting some money physically to Swiss banks in the Bahamas to avoid a paper trail and to always have liquid assets available. The unusual Florida airstrip purchase (and strange caretaker death) may be tied to this"
Are there any links to coverage of these events?