I don't really care if a few hangers-on are around in the decades to come. Look at the Mormon breakaway groups that are still loyal to Joe Smith and don't recognise anything that came after him. I'd just love to see the blatant demise of the central WT organisation, that took so much from so many and gave so much to so few (being on the GB is still a good gig, while it lasts).
I suppose that it is something that they just can't exercise power the way that they used to. Their secret documents and communications are no longer safe from the public the way they used to be. I wonder how that affects the psyche of the GB and others in command? Once their word, both spoken and secret, was law, and now everything they whisper in secret is being shouted from the housetops. It must be quite the comedown. I wonder when the pilgrimages to Bethel will cease, or at least decline to the point that the GB will notice? The implications above are that it is already happening enough to frighten the Bethel horses.
On a positive note, I used to hate seeing the smug face of Herbert W Armstrong on my tv every Sunday morning (I switched over immediately) and now the organisation that he built is but a shadow of its former self. So maybe there is hope. Selling off the family silver is a short term solution at best, and the diminishing number of Kingdom Halls must be worrying to the R&F, even while they're being assured that everything is fine.