I've been coming to this site for a few weeks now (along with a few
others) reading your comments. This will be my first posting. I just
wanted to add some more obsurd feedback from active JW's who watched
the program Tuesday night.
I'm another JW who has been around them all my life. I'm not DF'ed,
but not active either. I guess after two months of NOT going to the
meetings you would think someone would call me out of concern.
But not one single elder (or brother for that matter) has.
I work with two brothers (in different congregations than I), and
I asked them separately if they watched and if so what they thought.
Both of them had watched the show, but to my surprise they both
put it down calling it all "LIES", and one even said to "remember
that its TV and that its not real." LOL I guess there's no reason
to watch the news or weather anymore...it's not real. Then he added
his feelings about the sister who worked as a researcher at Bethel
for all those years, saying that she "exaggerated" those figures basically calling her a liar, too.
These comments pissed me off. It was just another reason why I
want out. I believe you practice what you preach, anything less
and you're a hypocrit. Sure, we all make mistakes and all that.
But how's come its OK to make excuses and cry "we're imperfect"
yet others can't? The catholics have created problems for
themselves, but will they be able to get away with their child
molesting? No.
Another point made on Dateline was regarda to "accustions".
They say that if one had been raped or molested that they should
do as the bible says and bring forth two or more other people
who had been witness to it. I'm sure they will be lining up
in the libraries, won't they?
And what happens when all 100% of the victims can't come up with
any witnesses? They are called liars. And then when they are
completely left heart-broken because they trusted in the elders
and put everything they had on the line to come forth...nothing.
It will be their word against another in the congregation. They
can say that there is no law in their state requiring to turn in
one of their own. They might read some scriptures and some
good-hearted brothers may give some comfort, but most will say
let it go, Jehovah will take care of things in due time.
Its quite obvious that this organization has some problems.
I, personally, have never expected absolute perfection. I know
that there will be some bad apples in the bunch, but I never
expected the "only hope for salvation" to be like THIS!