Was anybody creeped out by how quick the Justice Department was to blame Bruce Ivins for sending anthrax in the mail. Not to mention the media narrative thats been weaved around his life even though he is no longer alive? It reminded me of how I left the JW's and "stories" would come up, trying to explain how "Brother Preston" fell into bad company, was tempted by sin and never came back, etc....
Some news stories called him a homicidal maniac, and a "mad scientist"
As The Washington Post reported:
"Colleagues and friends of the vaccine specialist remained convinced that Ivins was innocent: They contended that he had neither the motive nor the means to create the fine, lethal powder that was sent by mail to news outlets and congressional offices in the late summer and fall of 2001. Mindful of previous FBI mistakes in fingering others in the case, many are deeply skeptical that the bureau has gotten it right this time.
"'I really don't think he's the guy. I say to the FBI, "Show me your evidence,"' said Jeffrey J. Adamovicz, former director of the bacteriology division at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, or USAMRIID, on the grounds of the sprawling Army fort in Frederick. 'A lot of the tactics they used were designed to isolate him from his support. The FBI just continued to push his buttons.'"
- Preston