When we have faith in Christ and take up our life looking to him as our King and Shepherd I think that this person could be said to have heard the voice of the Spirit and that his own spirit calls out "Abba, Father". If we are waiting around for an audible voice or some form of spiritual ecstasy then we will have been confused.
The problem for us is that we have allowed ourselves to be confused by a teaching of 144,000 number with a little flock going to heaven and a great crowd living on earth. This teaching is a result of materialist thinking which cannot understand spiritual matters and like the pharisees 'shuts up heaven'.
Many throw the baby out with the bath water because they cannot get past a materialistic viewpoint on the scriptures. This is a stage we can pass through with effort in challenging our thinking. Faith is not a possession of all it can only be cultivated in freedom. Now that we have gained a measure of freedom from religious dogma we can, if we want, move on to Christ like faith.