Edit: Princess If Im not mistaken the glory halelujah song your talking about is the Battle Hymn of the Republic and it was the Union States anthem at the time of the civil war. If you live anywhere up north that makes sense because they always play Dixie down south on the 4th
You are totally right. I was thinking it had a patriotic feel but couldn't place it. It's all the Jesus stuff that threw me! Thanks.
Its the attitude guys.If some goodish looking person walks down the steet and shouts out "look I'm so good looking," we would all take the piss. All nations have flaws in them, in the way they run and the societies created by the govermental systems and the general beliefs of the populance.What pisses people of is unfounded boasts of "we are the best" variety.Two "bests" of the USA I can think of of the top of my head are richest single nation (european union is richer:) and highest murder rate in the western world.Doesn't do well to boast or we will have fun picking out the flaws.
Interesting. Aren't you proud of your home? I honestly do not think I live in the best nation. I am proud of my home and will defend it. That's all it's about to me. The original post was about being proud if I remember correctly. I was surprised at how it was jumped all over and criticized. Did the same thing happen to the Canada Day thread?