Any Lefties?

by Why Georgia 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    My oldest son is Left Handed. Everytime he does anything different from the rest of husband relates this to being left handed.

    He is very artistic, detailed, and extremely particular about how he wants things in his little world to be.

    This may be because he's 5 - who knows.

    Are there any traits of left handed people that you lefties may want to share so I can be prepared in the future?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Elsewhere

    I heard that most lefties eat bread.

    I also heard that 95% of people in prison eat bread.

  • Sith

    I once tried to be left handed, but my right hand got jealous and beat the crap out of it

  • confusedjw

    I think my kids might have been, but we beat them with a ruler when they picked up something left handed ------- and now they're normal.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    lefty here.... there is a great big book called THE LEFTHANDER SYNDROME which explores the subject in great details...

    it seems that humans are apparently the only species where right handedness predominates, most other animals seem to have

    about half and half while human lefties below the age of 20 are about 20% and above the age of 20 only about 10%.

    the book says that no one could pin down left handedness to genetics, even though it can run in families, the major contributing factor

    does not seem to be found in the DNA itself.

    one theory is that because the left side of the brain grows very rapdily it can be damaged very easily and this would cause a shifting of functioning to the opposite side which is generally not the primary candidate.... and while we lefties do not want to be thought of as brain damaged, the facts do show a larger than average number of lefties compared to rights are retarded and criminal.... by percentages not by sheer numbers.

    the upside is that some of the brain damage may effect the suppressor circuits which keeps right handed people from thinking too many insane thoughts....which can lead to a disproportionate number of left handed artists and muscians etc.... people who are in their right mind so to speak (^_^)

    culturally we are sons of the devil by definition (^_^) and have all sorts of nice designations like SINISTER and GOUCHE...etc

  • roybatty

    Leftie here and I've always hated it. Anything I write gets smeared. Funny thing is, I write and eat lefty but everything else I do righty. Weird. Not sure how that happened.

    one theory is that because the left side of the brain grows very rapdily it can be damaged very easily and this would cause a shifting of functioning to the opposite side which is generally not the primary candidate.... and while we lefties do not want to be thought of as brain damaged, the facts do show a larger than average number of lefties compared to rights are retarded and criminal.... by percentages not by sheer numbers.
    Yeah, I've heard this before. Well, time to put my drool cup back on and get back to my cell.
  • funkyderek

    I'm a leftie. They tend to be intelligent, good-looking, and amazing in bed.

    To learn more about the challenges of being left-handed, I recommend reading The Left-Hander Syndrome by Stanley Coren.

    Edited because zen nudist recommended the same book. (Obviously, another intelligent, well-read southpaw.)

  • Princess

    My eight year old son is left handed. He is very artistic, detailed and has an extremely high IQ. He attends a school for the gifted and I noticed his class had quite a large number of left handed students. Just an observation....

  • Buster

    Leftie here! Congratulations, we are wonderful people.

    Yes, there are some things that you should know about care and feeding of your lefty.

    1. Lefties are not just righties using the other side. Their brains are different, not simply reverse images. You see, very few lefties are as 'left-handed' as righties are 'right-handed'. That is to say, most lefties will do some/many things the same as a rightie. I've heard it referred to as 'mixed leftie.' I play racquet sports with my left hand. I throw with my right hand. I write with my left hand. I do most 'strength' moves with my right hand.

    2. There are some things you can do that will make life easier for him. Look for his dominant features. See which leg he pushes off when he starts running. That is the hand you wnat him to throw from. That is the hand you want him to hold a racquet in. Let him decide which had to use use for the small, detailed moves like writing, painting etc.

    3. Learn how to determine his dominant eye. That will help determine which shoulder you want him to holld a baseball bat on, which shoulder he needs to hold a bow on, or shoot from, or anything else that requires aiming. It is a simple test that involves merely looking at something distant though a small hole and seeing which eye he goes to naturally.

    4. If he writes with his left, you need to get him some specialized help. You see, you righties get to draw away as you write. Lefties need to push into the letters. That is why lefties grip so hard. That is also why they tend to develop strategies that look so awkward - things like hooking their arm around, or writing straight up or straight down. My mother, a leftie, has beautiful handwriting. But she looks like she's dislocating here arm as she hooks around and writes straight down. I think a good way is to teach them to write straight across, from uinderneath the line. This leaves no slant on the cursive writing. But, once learned, it is easy and neat. I have horrible handwriting.

  • whyamihere

    I am a Leftie!

    Well I can write with both hands and at the same time. I prefer my left hand writing though.


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