Joy2bfree is an amazing friend, she helped me a lot. Personally I can tell you that most of us here are going through much of the same. There are many stages that follow the exodus from this organization. Listen to your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, trust yourself. I was where you are now a few months ago. Personally I did a fast fade (against Joy's advice) but you have to do what s best for you. Every person's experience is unique but is worthy. Learn the lessons you must learn so you don't get the lesson again.
You will experience pain, anguish, depression but happiness will follow. Take one step at a time. Don't allow anyone to push you forward or backward. YOU are in control of your destiny. YOU call the shots. Empower yourself . . . go to school, make new friends, take a new hobby. Love yourself, and indulge. Don't feel guilty!!!! Don't give your power to those people . . . YOUDONT OWE THEM A THING!!!
The most horrible pain I felt came from the fact that I DID NOT HAVE THE TRUTH!!! I was not part of God's chosen Organization. THAT HURT!!! Be strong, I am your friend and am willing to help you. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Email me, look at my profile.
Hang in there,