i laugh when i hear --new light-- not because of the funny corrwctions, but because of the solar imagery.'thats right folks, jesus never existed, jesus is the sun.
ever wonder why xians worship on SUN day and why xians celebrate his birthday on the winter solstice, or why he died and was raised on the spring ewuinox? ever wonder why jesus used words like, thenlight, in the sky, on clouds, walked on water--suns reflextion, and so on. ever wonder why the four apostles have the same beats as the ones in ezekiel - they are the cardinal zodiac signs.
ever wonder why no wt ever showed the insides or explained the symbology of the temple in jerusalem, why it pointed east, what the two columns at the entrance represented, why cherubs look like babylonian and egyptian mythical figures...
i could go on forever, just seacrh for astrotheology.