Does anyone know any other reason(s) Jesus might not have selected the Watchtower corporation in 1919?
1. Teaching the worship of Charles Taze Russell - (1916 Watchtower December 1st page 6015)
2. Teaching the worship of Jesus - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 290)
3. Teaching that Jesus became king in 1878 (not 1914) - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 66)
4. That one of their main magazine editors was demon possessed - (1913 Bible Students Convention Report)
5. Promoting books dictated by fallen angels to humans - (1924 Dec 3rd Golden Age page 50)
6. Preaching racism - (1902 Watchtower July 15th page 215)
7. Preaching the cross - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 418)
8. Teaching that Jesus returned invisibly in 1874 - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 60)
9. Teaching that the 1000 year reign of Christ started in 1874 - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 386)
10. Teaching that the "other sheep" were to be in Heaven and number approximately 411,840,000 - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 102-103)
11. Teaching that Charles Taze Russell was the Faithful and Discreet Slave, hence no Governing Body - (1916 Watchtower December 1st page 59-98)
13. Teaching that Michael is the pope - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 188)
14. Teaching that the pyramids were God’s witness stone - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 226)
15. Promoting the pagan "winged sun disk" - (1918 The Finished Mystery)
16. Promoting Masonic symbols - (1918 March 1st Watchtower)
17. Falsely prophesying the end of the world in 1918 - (1918 The Finished Mystery page 485)
18. Celebrating holidays - (1919 Golden Age Dec 24th pg. 215)
19. Went on to reference a Johannes Greber to support the New World Translation of the Bible. Spirits often spoke through Johannes' wife, a spirit medium, and told him the Bible was full of errors.
20. Teaching Jesus was responsible for writing literature - (The Finished Mystery, 1917, p. 295)
21. Prophesying that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old - (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89.)
22. Prophesying that 1925 will mark the end - (Golden Age, Jan. 4, 1922, p. 217.)
23. The Watchtower was in the middle of an internal power struggle from 1916-1928 following Charles Taze Russell's death. - (Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose 1959 p69)
24. Led by Rutherford who had alchol problems (Moyle v. Fred W. Franz, et al. case, docket # 15845)