The Babylon mentioned in the old testament was a city-state. Yet the Jehovah's Witnesses somehow twist the interpretaion of "Babylon The Great" to mean all elements of worldly religions that do not adhere to biblical truth as published by the Watchtower.
Do these attributes even sound like the World Empire of False* Reigion:
* False means they do not pledge allegince to the Watchtower.
- Babylon is a great nation—the greatest in history. ("Was there ever a city like this great city?" as well as, "Babylon the Great has fallen..." as well as "…to destroy the whole country…" as well as " kindle a fire in her cities…")
- Babylon is known as an air and space power. ("And though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and fortify her skies...")
- Babylon is the "lattermost" of the nations, built in a wilderness and a desert.
- Babylon is known as a "lady"—the "Lady of Kingdoms." ("No more will you be known as the Lady of Kingdoms...")
- Babylon's business leaders are the "great men of the earth."
- Those who have ships on the sea are "made rich through trade with her."
- Babylon is the "hammer of the whole earth."
- Babylon "reigns over the kings of the earth." She is depicted as a queen with a throne, who believes her rule will never end.
- Babylon is known for her musicians. ("The voice of musicians, string players, trumpeters and flutists will be heard in you no more.")
- Babylon is known as a farming nation. ("The sound of a millstone will be heard in you no more" ... "Fine flour and wheat, wine and olive oil, horses and carriages, cattle and sheep...")
- Babylon is known for her "workmen of trade."
- Babylon is, or was, a godly nation. ("The light of the lamp will shine in you no more.")
- Babylon is the wealthiest nation on earth. ("In one hour such wealth has been brought to ruin!" Etc.)
- Babylon is a "lover of pleasure" who "lounges in her security."
- Babylon is known for being "beautiful."
- Babylon has a "mighty voice" on the earth.
- Babylon "glorifies herself" and "lives deliciously."
- Babylon is known for her pride.
- Babylon is ruled by "many counsels."
- Babylon is a "land of many waters, abundant in treasures."
- Babylon is a land of "mixed people."
- Babylon is associated with trade in body parts and with trade in slaves. ("Cargos of... bodies and souls of men.")
- Babylon is seen by others on earth as "clothed in fine linen, and decked in gold, precious stones, and pearls."
- Babylon is known for her "sumptuous things and shining splendor."
- Babylon is the "praise of the whole earth."
- Babylon is known for astrology -- "those stargazers who make predictions from month to month."
- Babylon is known for her "pharmakeia" and her "porneia." (Drugs and fornication.)
- The Roman goddess Libertas was known as the "Mother of Harlots." (A term of endearment given to Libertas by the temple prostitutes who worshiped her.) There is a statue of this goddess in New York harbor.