Wow, I too heard that interview a week or so back and it made me want to watch the series. Sounded good.
Haven't seen a single episode yet and it is already gone. Too bad.
any fans of the show enlightened.
i liked the character laura dern plays in enlightened.
i like her as an actor, from here early work with david lynch and also nicolas cage.. laura's character, amy jellicoe, reminds me of us in our journey, sometimes more emotional than intellectual in the reaction to abuse and injustice but a fighter who will put the right nuance on an argument eventually.
Wow, I too heard that interview a week or so back and it made me want to watch the series. Sounded good.
Haven't seen a single episode yet and it is already gone. Too bad.
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
jgnat brings up what I think is the greater issue here. It's not about you or me, or what is right for my body, or my choice, or how many times I have the flu, or how strong my immune system is, or the legion of anecdotal tales that have been posted here.
The larger concern should be for the very young and the elderly, because our decision if it does not immediately affect us most assuredly will affect them.
Along with this is understanding how the virus mutates and changes through the course of a typical season.
What is considered to be the most lethal flu pandemic, often mislabeled the Spanish Influenza, actually originated in the midwest US and was spread to Europe by US soldiers traveling to Europe because of WWI. During the life course of this particular virus (a swine flu variety) it mutated into a much more lethal form. If immunization would have been available at the time (and used), there is little doubt that the virus would not have progressed to such a virulent strain. Millions could have lived.
This is the reason why when large percentages of the population are vaccinated, it is an aid to prevent viruses from changing into truly lethal forms. It is why the CDC keeps such close tabs on the current flu viruses. When large percentages of the population opt out, for whatever reason, it guarantees that in the future another truly deadly strain will be produced.
since leaving the wts i've struggled mightily to make friends and adjust socially.
i would really like to find some people that i know and reconnect if any happen to be on here.
so i'm going to reveal my name and ask that if you know me or our paths have crossed, please reach out to me.. i'm "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses" so why not?.
Went to school in Broaddus for a couple years.
Nice Work sooner!
The markings/distress marks add a lot to them. How and where do you obtain your raw materials?
I like the design of the pins in the handle of the second knife. A simple detail but adds a lot to it.
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
The last was the 2011 Memorial. Could count on one hand the meetings attended during the 2 years prior to that.
The "Straw that broke the Camel's Back" was sitting in a WT study that included the life saving exhortation as to the wisdom and discreteness of why we should not hold hands or embrace our mates during a public prayer.
Something in my mind literally snapped then, and I knew that this was the end of my life as a JW. This just confirmed my long held doubts about this legalistic, Pharisaical, man directed publishing corporation. To return would truly be like a dog returning to its own vomit.
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
jgnat- That is an aspect of whether or not to get immunized that most people give little or no thought to. It is simply not all about you. The larger issue concerning the transmission of the virus to those that are younger or elderly, or those with compromised immune systems is seldom thought about.
Also when a particular flu virus becomes pandemic, a greater concern has to be given as to how a particular virus can mutate through the course of a typical flu season. There is evidence that this can slowed or even halted when larger percentages of the population get immunized.
wha- Would be almost impossible to tell as to whether the particular flu virus you had would be halted by this season's flu vaccine. (unless you had a lab test and determined which one you had).
Actually this year's vaccine came extremely close to the current outbreak configurations. That being the case, if more were immunized earlier we would probably not be seeing nowhere near the amount of cases that that are occuring now.
i've come to the conclusion that many doctrines of the wts are unscriptural after many years of privately disagreeing with some of them but feeling that the society was "mostly right" and still being used by jehovah.
this turning point has happened in the last year or so.
jgnat- Interesting comment you made earlier about whether ones leave quickly or slowly.
I have noticed too that people that came into the borg quickly seemed to exit just as fast, and ones that took longer amounts of time to be recruited did not exit or fade as much, or when they did it seemed like they tok more time to fade.
i try to keep my hands clean regularly and stay away from areas and people that i know are sick.. i have never gotten a flu shot and i do know that many that do get one, get the flu anyway.. still, the flu is considered very very bad this year..
Used to never get a flu shot but now get one every year. The reasons why I didn't were very similar to the reasons why I became and stayed a JW. I just neglected to ask the right questions and bother to get the facts before I made a decision.
Here is a good link with a clear discussion that could help you make an educated decision-
It only takes a few minutes to read, and granted some of it can be hard to follow for the layman, but it is well worth the time spent to read over.
all documents of important nature such as, our kingdom ministry, boe letters, forms, or other materials will now be sent only by email or private message communications.
they will not be posted out here on the board.
if someone else wants to post them, be my guest.. .. we have no other choice in this matter, and sending out confidential documents is better when it is done privately.
PM sent to you Atlantis.
one of my favorites. and the ultimate piece and performer.
Opera Update- Purchased a subscription to this year's Houston Grand Opera. Have went to two performances so far.
The first was Rossini's The Italian Girl in Algiers. Very good performances by the lead tenors, as well as creative costuming and set design. Lots of laughs mixed in with an engaging story really kept the audience's attention. Was really impressed how that the costumes and set arrangements could completely change what you got out of the performance, even though the music and singing was unchanged.
The second was Puccini's La Boheme. The lead tenor was ill and a substitute was flown in from the Met in NY. Can't recall his name, but he was outstanding especially under the circumstances and last minute preparations.
After the aria sung by the lead soprano who played the character Mimi I was struck by how many in attendance were moved to tears (me included). This aria has always stirred my emotions even before I had the Italian verses translated to English, and understood what she was saying.
Here is a clip I found that has the English subtitles