Just leave my threads alone and there won't be any problems.
I don't appreciate having someone come on my threads and calling me a troll
and referring to my stuff as "sh*t" and garbage. I'm capable
of having an intelligent debate without calling people names.
Outlaw keeps insinuating that I'm a molester and has followed me
around harassing me. I even left the board because the administrators
think this is just harmless fun and refused to stop him. Six months pass.
I come back on and he takes up where he left off. I have made serious
contributions to this site and don't deserve to have my threads destroyed
by these guys. It's no wonder this site is going down.
If I get kicked off - I'll be back. There are an infinite number of names
to sign on with. Lots of IP addresses. So Daniel-p and Outlaw - BACK OFF!
JoinedPosts by proplog2
My Draft DA Letter - What do you think?
by daniel-p indear family and friends,.
this is one of the hardest things ive ever written.
please forgive me for the brevity, but its essential for the clarity that this most emotional topic deserves.
My Draft DA Letter - What do you think?
by daniel-p indear family and friends,.
this is one of the hardest things ive ever written.
please forgive me for the brevity, but its essential for the clarity that this most emotional topic deserves.
Fine example of intelligent discourse:
?Proplog2, you can't excape your reputation. And what the heck?! You said you were going to
leave JWD permanently... Why do you think things are going to be different now? You were a
troll then and you're a troll now... you just took a hiatus.
Proplog2... I distinctly remember when you left JWD due to no one taking your trolling posts
seriously. You're back, because.... ? You should have named yourself Proplog3, then we'd
KNOW we weren't completely wasting our time reading or replying to your posts.
He's just reliving the time when he had a shred of respectability around here... 7 years ago! Prop,
you're one of the biggest trolls I've ever seen on here, and also a hypocrit for saying you were
permanently leaving and then coming back and bumping all your old threads shamelessly. I've
NEVER bumped one of my own threads--no matter how important I felt about the topic.
Proplog, you are so full of shit its unbelievable. I actually was a Bethelite, were you? Do you
know what its like to be encouraged ALL YOUR LIFE to go there and then be let go for no good
reason? No, of course not... Your JW apologist garbage is reaching fresh heights.
Proplog2, despite you being merely a grade-A troll, I would still like to point out that there are
many deceptions on many different levels regarding those pursuing Bethel service.
For a person who certainly was never a Bethelite, and who was probably never even a JW, you
have a lot to say about it all. Your "crusade" or whatever you want to call it just makes you look
like an Asberger's Syndrome sufferer.
People, proplog is a troll. The reason this thread is pages and pages long is because he
deliberately incites indignation to fulfill his own delusional "agenda": to make lurkers aware that
we're actually all frothing-at-the-mouth apostates. He's obviously not "with it," and will continue
to devalue whatever experience you may have. DONT FEED THE TROLLS
If it looks like a troll, acts like a troll, but has over 2000 posts....?
^---And this is the reason why, despite proplog's 2000+ posts... if it looks like a troll, acts like a
troll, then it probably is a troll.
Aww, we were all just getting started... After you hijacked the thread, asked so many
well-meaning, irrelevant questions, got a little flustered, now you're done with it?! Come back!
We need you to feed our blood-thirsty, hating, frothing-at-the-mouth apostate agendas!
^--- You're right--there is no rebuttal to insane jibber-jabber. Proplog is absolutely delusional. I
wouldn't care but for the fact that he is also a grade-A a$$hole -
Nothing but the Blood - Chapter 10
by daniel-p in[to all those who followed the first eight chapters of my story, thank you.
it's very healing for me to write all this.
i had fooled myself that my story was done after chapter 8, but it really wasn't.
A sample of Daniel-p's writing (and irrational behavior)
?Proplog2, you can't excape your reputation. And what the heck?! You said you were going to
leave JWD permanently... Why do you think things are going to be different now? You were a
troll then and you're a troll now... you just took a hiatus.
Proplog2... I distinctly remember when you left JWD due to no one taking your trolling posts
seriously. You're back, because.... ? You should have named yourself Proplog3, then we'd
KNOW we weren't completely wasting our time reading or replying to your posts.
He's just reliving the time when he had a shred of respectability around here... 7 years ago! Prop,
you're one of the biggest trolls I've ever seen on here, and also a hypocrit for saying you were
permanently leaving and then coming back and bumping all your old threads shamelessly. I've
NEVER bumped one of my own threads--no matter how important I felt about the topic.
Proplog, you are so full of shit its unbelievable. I actually was a Bethelite, were you? Do you
know what its like to be encouraged ALL YOUR LIFE to go there and then be let go for no good
reason? No, of course not... Your JW apologist garbage is reaching fresh heights.
Proplog2, despite you being merely a grade-A troll, I would still like to point out that there are
many deceptions on many different levels regarding those pursuing Bethel service.
For a person who certainly was never a Bethelite, and who was probably never even a JW, you
have a lot to say about it all. Your "crusade" or whatever you want to call it just makes you look
like an Asberger's Syndrome sufferer.
People, proplog is a troll. The reason this thread is pages and pages long is because he
deliberately incites indignation to fulfill his own delusional "agenda": to make lurkers aware that
we're actually all frothing-at-the-mouth apostates. He's obviously not "with it," and will continue
to devalue whatever experience you may have. DONT FEED THE TROLLS
If it looks like a troll, acts like a troll, but has over 2000 posts....?
^---And this is the reason why, despite proplog's 2000+ posts... if it looks like a troll, acts like a
troll, then it probably is a troll.
Aww, we were all just getting started... After you hijacked the thread, asked so many
well-meaning, irrelevant questions, got a little flustered, now you're done with it?! Come back!
We need you to feed our blood-thirsty, hating, frothing-at-the-mouth apostate agendas!
^--- You're right--there is no rebuttal to insane jibber-jabber. Proplog is absolutely delusional. I
wouldn't care but for the fact that he is also a grade-A a$$hole -
Picking & Choosing Your "OUGHTS"
by proplog2 inthere is more evidence that all christians should engage in some.
foot washing ritual then there is that we shouldn't eat blood.
there is no wiggle room in john 13:14 "therefore, if i, although.
I've NEVER bumped one of my own threads--no matter how important I felt about the topic.
Bad to bump your own topic but it's OK to demean, ridicule, & attack posters you don't like.
Picking & Choosing Your "OUGHTS"
by proplog2 inthere is more evidence that all christians should engage in some.
foot washing ritual then there is that we shouldn't eat blood.
there is no wiggle room in john 13:14 "therefore, if i, although.
No. But I think the subject is important and worth a final look.
"PEACE & SECURITY" has been decla...
by proplog2 indeclarations of peace occur at regular intervals.
wars end and.
treaties are signed.
Putin the antichrist/bomber
by proplog2 inthe most popular posts seem to be the charisma wars.. this post is for the 75 people who have other concerns.. i have made several comments that dan 8:23 is being fullfilled in the person of the president of russia - putin.
especially the fact that putin got his power "not by his own power".. whether you agree with that please consider the reservoir of evil that is implicated in connection with putin's ascension to power in russia.
he is implicated in the killing of russian citizens in a scheme to make him look like a capable leader.. consider these recent press releases:.
What JW's are thinking about
by proplog2 injws are generally afraid to discuss prophecy with each other.
they are reluctant to express their.
feelings because they dont want to look like they are doing independent thinking.
Putin-powerful, but not his own power
by proplog2 inthe points keep lining up.
daniel 8:23 identifies three.
characteristics of the "king" that will stand against the prince of.
The King Will magnify himself above every god.
by proplog2 inthere is something brewing in russia.. .
the electronic telegraph (uk).
27 january 2002. pro-putin cult urges return to soviet 'glory'.