Dear family and friends,
This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever written. Please forgive me for the brevity, but it’s essential for the clarity that this most emotional topic deserves.
I’m writing to inform you that I no longer believe that the “faithful and discreet slave,” as we know it, is God’s chosen channel of communication. I no longer believe that the Watchtower Society, or its controlling members, is leading the only true religion on earth, or have any measure of truth beyond that which most other religions purport to have.
I offer no specific reasons for this. Why? Because I have no interest in affecting the faith of others. We all need to make our own decisions, find our own way, and make our own stand. I have to do what I know is right. In general, because of inconsistency of teachings, falsity of claims, unconscionable policy regarding child abuse, and repeated reversals of doctrine, I can no longer place my faith in this religion.
My belief in God and the Bible are separate matters. I have no sense of the Creator or knowledge of the Bible separate from what I was taught as a Jehovah’s Witness, so it’s very hard for me to judge them objectively. In any case, it’s a deeply personal matter for me, and if God is to be a personal force in my life, I must re-discover him on my own.
I have no desire to do things I was taught were wrong according to the Bible. I say this to be absolutely clear in my intention so that there is no room for the spreading of misinformation about my morality.
I made this decision more than two years ago. But only until now have I gathered the courage to let it be known to all my family and friends, and to allow this truth to incur the pain I know it will cause in your hearts. Please be reassured of my undying love for each of you, as I know you have for me—regardless of my belief in the “faithful slave.”
Needless to say, I have no intention of avoiding any of you, but also realize that my “turning away” from the faith will cause a division if you adhere to what the Society directs. Some of you will not communicate with me, and I accept that—if that is what you’re comfortable with. However, if you want to know more about why I no longer believe this is the truth, ask and I’ll be happy to discuss it with you in a calm and non-argumentative manner. On the other hand, if you wish to communicate with me but don’t want to talk about religious matters, I’m more than happy to do that as well.
Above all else I must place the value of freedom of thought: if I can’t reason through my doubts, if I can’t objectively analyze my own faith, and if, in the end, supposed “truth” can’t stand up to scrutiny, or is somehow supposed to be exempt from scrutiny, then I am absolutely positive that the only thing left to do is to accept the wrongness of my prior beliefs.
There is no other way to do what I know is right.
I love you all,