The problem with self-report tests is that although they indicate how certain traits cluster in large groups there is no way to be
sure that the individual person in front of you is a certain type based on his own answers to a battery of questions. That is why a
science of personality will only be standing on solid ground when there is some objective/physical measurement that establishes
personality. In addition you will need a strong theory that establishes a connection between the physical measurements and the
indications of a questionnaire.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
Myers Briggs Personality Indicator
by Outaservice ini don't know how many have taken the myers briggs personality test?
my wife told me i was a esfj, whatever that means!.
do you think people not getting along, poster's differences, or war, or values, etc.
Resurrection vs. Re-Creation...
by Tuesday inum, what's the deal with this?
i'm speaking with a witness and he keeps talking about the resurrection and the way it's explained sounds like it's really a re-creation of all of our memories in god's mind then put back on earth in a re-created body.
so in essence a clone of me with my memories and personality will live forever in paradise, how exactly is that a resurrection.
This isn't a problem for atheists. An immortal soul is a pre-scientific invention. If you believe in an immortal soul you are fooling yourself.
There is a natural tendency of humans to put emphasis on their "ego" stream of consciousness.
Reminds me of the comedian Emo Phillips "I had a thought yesterday that my brain is the most important part of my body. And then in dawned on me that it was my brain telling me that."
What if you had a disease that erased your memories and you experienced amnesia to the point that you couldn't remember much of your past although you maintained your motor skills. Would that still be you? What if you have alzheimers? Is that you?
And I repeat the question no one wanted to address. What happened to the 5 year old you? It died. You remember only a few situations in any given year. The brain is an efficient forgetter.
The reason why the clone with restored memories doesn't seem a very good resurrection is because of our inflated egos. The content of our brains is mostly a very poor recording of reality. Even if there was a god that created a clone of you with just a few memories you would soon invent the rest of your history.
So you can believe that when you are dead your thoughts cease (best of science). You can believe you have a soul that is going to carry your ego into eternity (myth) Or you can believe that there is a possibility of a clone with some memory restoration.(possibility with advanced technology).
Basically, re-creation isn't so bad - IF you don't think about it. And you wouldn't. It goes nowhere. Your clone would just start enjoying its life.
That's What I'M Talkin' About!
by Farkel incall me a curmudgeon.
there are just some expressions in today's vernacular that are just idiotic, and "that's what i'm talkin' about" is one of these.
it is so ghetto.. several people are saying 'blah, blah, blah, de blah and more de blah..." suddenly, a dimwit in the group hears something that dimwit didn't even mention but happens to like the subject and then dimwit blurts out, "now that is what i'm talkin' about!".
Expressions change. Language changes. Even without Babel myths. When the language changes bother you too much your generation is probably dying.
Resurrection vs. Re-Creation...
by Tuesday inum, what's the deal with this?
i'm speaking with a witness and he keeps talking about the resurrection and the way it's explained sounds like it's really a re-creation of all of our memories in god's mind then put back on earth in a re-created body.
so in essence a clone of me with my memories and personality will live forever in paradise, how exactly is that a resurrection.
Whatever happened to the 5 year old version of yourself? It is non existent.
The idea of an imortal part or package of your essence is rooted in pre-scientific thinking about the relationship between mind and body.
Actually, re-creation is a lot more scientific as a possibility than the existence of a little control module.
As crappy as resurrection may seems its about as good as it can be.
Think about this. Your existence is just as much for "others" as it is for yourself. Think of all the people that will be so happy to see your clone.
by Lady Lee inif russell didn't write this then he had to have condoned it yellow highlight is theirs red is mine.
[r5434 : page 110] .
the color line found necessary.
The light was getting darker and darker.
I remember in the 1950's JW's would work the black neighborhoods in the winter because they would be invited into their nice n hot space heated shacks. Everyone was happy when a few blacks became baptized. But then some got real worried when over half the congregation was black and the presiding overseer was black. I thought it was great that my dad was passed over for the position. My dad was white, college educated and a tyrant. There was always a bad undercurrent between them.
why did they not add me? (can't think of what else to call this thread)
by BlackSwan of Memphis inwhen i joined up with myspace i tried to add a person that i was friends with in highschool as a friend.
it was never accepted.. recently i tried with someone else, and it wasn't accepted.. on the other hand, there are 50 people who have accepted and i enjoy reading their blogs and messaging with them.. so why does it bug me that these 2 other people haven't accepted?.
do they hate me?
It's natural. But remember your JW training. You're only looking for those who are "ready" for your friendship. I am sure someone is praying right now that you will be their friend
My Kingdom Hall Beard
by Amazing inin mid-1975: i grew a mustache while i was a ministerial servant (california bay area).
i recall being asked to conduct the book study while my hair was growing.
several acted odd toward me because there was still an ongoing argument about whether having such facial hair was appropriate for men of good example.
My son quit attending meetings (His wife is still a strong believer) . He grew a beard because it helps avoid a lot of confusion when he meets up with someone from the hall. It's a badge that officially says "I'm in a different place now". It avoids "fishing" conversation to see if you are still active or not - you can go straight to the small talk.
Revived beast sick of Unipolar Babylon the Great
by proplog2 intoday putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
My approach avoids the all or none problem that many have with the Bible. I believe you have to descriminate between what is plausible and what is ridiculous. Yes, it is normal senisbile behavior to pick & choose - especially if you give a lot of thought to your criteria and methods.
Otherwise, you have to give a free pass to anything designated as a "holy book". Koran, Vedas etc.
My Bethel Experience Part 15
by new boy inthe courtship from hell.......i started driving up to rhode island in september of 1972. i would go about every other week.
i needed to "step down" as a book study servant, because at the time daryl christianson had come up with this brillant idea that all the book study conductors should visit everyone in their own book studies and everyone in someone else's book studies every 2 between, bethel, and a part time "g" job, going up to rhode island and shepparding everyone in the book studies, it was just to much.
so for the first time in my life, i declined a "privilege of service" didn't feel that bad......and in fact felt damn good.......little did i know i was leaving one hell for another one.. what i 'm about to tell the absolute truth!..........we had 2 dates in a year and a half........that is two dates in 18 months.........."2" dates...........the only time they would let us be together with out a chaperone was in the field service...........the whole courtship was spent on her parents couch in the living room......with one of them in the other room!
Ditto Ditto Ditto I'm about the same age.
All of this WOULD have been worth it. But at 61 I can safely say I hope I get altzheimers sooner than later. Nothing like sitting in a old peoples home with no memories in your groin.
Revived beast sick of Unipolar Babylon the Great
by proplog2 intoday putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
You do understand that I don't believe in God and that I don't look at the Bible as the product of a omnicsient being. So my approach is different. But I'm glad to see you are flexible in your approach.
I see the Bible as a "minimal intervention" in human evolution. Its purpose is to assure that there will be a model for humans as they face their ultimate test - the transition from competition based culture to a cooperative culture.
It all comes down to the need to form a borderless nation (group) that can sustain themselves through the transition and serve as an example and as a model for the new direction the world needs to head. In Matthew 24 there is the command to get out of Jerusalem when her destruction seems near. In Revelation God's People are told to flee Babylon the Great before she is burned with fire. Everything depends on their being a special group that will be responsive to the command to flee.
The command is made to "stay awake" "Luke 21:34-36 "But pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. Keep awake then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur and in standing before the Son of Man."
The purpose of the Prophetic books is to hold human attention over a long period of time. The prophetic books needed to be embedded in a collection of religious-historical writings so that they would be copied and preserved. Every generation is going to see some things that match. But the match will not be perfect until it has to. And the most important or signal event is the one that requires action - to flee.
So I start out with the assumption that because we are living in a period of time when we can destroy ouselves that this IS the time of the end. Next I look for the "real" events and "actors" that match the Biblical pattern at its final stage. So, I think it is an error to think that you can proceed forward from past history and get it right. I believe all that history was just to keep people interested enough to preserve those writings.
This is how I arrive at my interpretation. Revelation, Matthew, Daniel all speak about the final tribulation. Revelation speaks about the destruction of Babylon the Great by means of the Wild Beast - followed by divine intervention at armageddon. Daniel describes the destruction of the King of the South by the King of the North. Now lets fill in some details. Daniel 11:40 describes the King of the South as pushing, aggravating the King of the North. The King of the South appears to be the instigator just short of actual attack. The King of the North attacks the King of the South and from that point on appears to be the dominant power when Michael stands up.
Today we do have a Great Northern Empire that has been in conflict with The Greatest Richest Empire - Ever. Russia vs. the USA. This is right now - today.
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Vol. 1 of Democracy in America (published in 1835):
There are, at the present time, two great nations in the world which seem to tend towards the same end, although they started from different points: I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly assumed a most prominent place amongst the nations; and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time...Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems to be marked out by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe.
Now who is pushing who? Clearly the USA has been pushing Russia. It remains for Russia to attack the USA.
Revelation describes Babylon the Great as having a Kingdom over the Kings of the Earth. It is "filthy rich" and it sits on or attempts to ride the wild beast. The USA is the richest nation on earth. All those with ships at sea have become rich due to her shameless luxury. Go to Davos and see the Americans strut. "her traveling merchants were the top-ranking men of the earth".
Further identifying the Wild Beast. Seven heads and ten horns. Five have fallen - likely Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece. One is - Rome. Another which after it arrives remains a short time. The inheritor of power on the Eurasian World Island was Russia. Moscow brags that it is the "third Rome". The seventh head appears slaughtered. Although it doesn't specifiy the seventh head - but since its revival is considered an eighth head it is the best candidate. The USSR died in Dec 1991. This can't be said of any other modern empire. There is no longer a space on the earth occupied by the USSR. A close view is given in Rev 13:11 of the resurrected beast. It appears lamb-like but then begins speaking like the dragon.
Russia under Yeltsin was docile as a lamb. It looked like it was on its way to being a nice democracy. It even got accepted into the Sacred circle of the G-7 nations making it the G-8. It is now once again showing its iron teeth and claws. It is expressing its resentment toward the interference of the OSCE, NATO and the USA in its old territories that formed the CIS. These Nations are often called the newly formed nations. They are rich in natural resourses - Oil and Gas. Some of these (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia) are flirting with the Great Prostitute but others are very cautious. Those newly formed nations with strong dictators realize that their best chances lie with Russia and not the Democratic West that would install their own patsies to power.
The 10 kings that cast their lots with the Wild Beast and express hatred toward the harlot are described as having "not yet received a kingdom".
1. Armenia 2. Azerbaijan 3. Belarus 4. Georgia 5. Kazakhstan 6. Kyrgystan 7. Moldova 8. Tajikistan 9. Ukraine 10.Uzbekistan 11. Turkmenistan
Ooops there are eleven. More than likely Belarus will become part of Russia. They have signed a lot of documents preliminary to forming a union.
Russia also fits the description of the final empire on the dream image in Daniel Chapter 2... Russia's long standing problem is that it is such a conglomerate of National Groups. It isn't a melting pot. It is made up of 89 nationalities each with their own language. It is always in some stage of falling apart. It remains together because it is willing to use its Iron grip like it has in Chechnya.
There is a lot more to this. It requires some knowledge of Geo-Politics. Too many show their ignorance by worrying about Moslems, Chinese etc. Moslems are practically pharisees with their concern for ethics and are more likely to kill each other than outsiders. The Chinese are an advanced civilization with a full plate- no one else could manage such a large population. The Russians remain a serious problem because they are extremely aggressive, opportunistic and exploitative.