When I joined up with myspace I tried to add a person that I was friends with in highschool as a friend. It was never accepted.
Recently I tried with someone else, and it wasn't accepted.
On the other hand, there are 50 people who Have accepted and I enjoy reading their blogs and messaging with them.
So why does it bug me that these 2 other people haven't accepted?
Do they hate me? Did I offend them? Am I too bossy? Neurotic? Annoying? Am I a Janis? (as in Janis from Friends) Did I say something stupid? What did I do now?
I thought that I was doing pretty good in getting over this little issue I have. This little issue of being a whiny needy person who dies a little when she finds out that <<GASP>> someone actually can't stand the sight of her or would prefer to pretend does not exist.
When I click on an add a friend, I don't do it without thought. I click on an add because I genuinely would like to get to know that person better or have really enjoyed their friendship in the past.
When it becomes painfully obvious that it's not returned, it annoys the hell out of me. And then it annoys the hell out of me that it annoys the hell out of me. I want to know WHY this person does not like me, if that's Even the issue at hand. It could be numerous things.
Their dog died. Their paper is due and they haven't had time to consider it. They're on vacation. They don't remember me. They're too busy on Xanga to care about their myspace.
The thing is I Know I'm not the only person like this. And its also very clear that the above applies in the following scenarios:
Someone doesn't return a phone call.(are they on vacation?)
Someone doesn't return an email.(did you type it in write?)
Someone doesn't return a text message.(Did they get it?)
The hot guy you gave your number to didn't call (yet?).
The jw that shunned you, actually shunned you. (Are you SURE they saw you?)
Aaargh. So I'm posting this mostly to see if anyone else is as neurotic as me.
<<<crosses fingers>>>
<<please post someone>>