I know of at least one circuit overseer who has passed these around.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
Real Theocratic Heroes
by dozy inall the jw kids i know have got these mp3 tracks - a bit of a spoof on the budweiser commercials.
quite funny , really..... http://www.aquitania.co.uk/audio/reallylongcommentgiver.mp3.
Hypothetical situation: What would you do?
by winnie inlets just say that the jw teaching regarding armageddon, living forever were true.. and lets say that many on this forum who still attend meetings somehow survive.. you don't agree with the teachings.
you may not even like many others who survive.
why would you want to live with the kind of people who continually judge others actions?
People are people. We misbehave. We walk over other peoples territory. We all need to be put in our place on occasion. Humans are naturally opportunistic. Humans are naturally judgemental. We even judge others as being "judgemental".
Revived beast sick of Unipolar Babylon the Great
by proplog2 intoday putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
You have in no way made it clear why Babylon the Great is necessarily a religious entity.
You build your scenario on that assumption. And that is a serious error.
You have to prove your claim before you build your scenario.
Start with the fact that all those who have ships at sea have become rich due to her shameless luxury. This particular entity - referred to as Babylon the Great is responsibile for the extra wealth that the world traders enjoy. No religious entity or combined religious entity has the wealth of the USA.
Survey on science, astrology, aliens & article
by Madame Quixote inhttp://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/us-beliefs-in-pseudoscience-worry/20070217212109990001?ncid=nws00010000000001
I suppose you could rank events according to some degree of distance from reality:
+++ Reality-Plausible-Possible-Impossible- - -
Reality is something that can be verified by others as a common experience. The more witnesses from a non-homogenous group the more likely a particular event occurred.
Plausible are the most likely explanations from a list of possible explanations.
Impossible events are those that are contrary to experience and laws of nature.
So alien visitation would not be at the top of a list of explanations for some bizarre event - it remains as a possible explanation if the more plausible explanations are eliminated.
Astrology is against known laws of nature. And it is statistically insignificant.
Six years ago my neighborhood experienced a very disturbing "jet-like - house shaking- roar that lasted 20 minutes. Others on a SW to NE trajectory experienced the event too.
So I checked reality. I interviewed neighbors and others along the route. 12 people in five different households experiecned the same "frightening" noise. It was a noise from above but there was no visible source although it moved in a specific direction. The sound went away abruptly after one witness claimed he saw a bright light (as big as a basketball and bright as the sun )shoot over the tree tops.
I called the police - there were no other reports.
I called the airport - there were no planes in the area at the time. Division of Noise abatement called and said other than engine testing at the airport (3 miles away) they didn't know what it could be.
VTOL (Harrier type Jets) were ruled out. To hover with full thrust for such a long time would be impossible.
Was the government testing out some kind of sound weapon? Decibels are easy to measure - why do it over a major city?
Was it a blimp with a 1,000 watt output speaker trying to freak us out? Awful risky, probably expensive practical joke.
Because all of these plausible explanations seemed unlikely - the idea of an extradimenional/extraterrestial cause moves up the list of possibilities.
It turns out that this particular event (loud roaring noise, sometimes reported to be associated with a huge ship of some sort) has happened close to a hundred times all over the earth.
On the particular night of this incident it was one of the bussiest nights of UFO sightings based on MUFON reports.
So what was it. You can't say conclusively. But, I know what 12 people witnessed that night. I know what I witnessed. I feel comfortable with an extra-dimensional/extraterrestial explanation. Does this mean that there certainly was such a cause? No! But it is more plausible than the conspiritorial explanations of "dark government projects". I tend to think more in the direction of an extradimenional source because the idea of traveling long distances from another galaxy seem highly unlikely.
I am not prepared to believe in Alien Abductions as reported through the intervention of hypnotism. But I am prepared to accept some common explanation for the type of experience I had which was characterized by loud jet sound (squadron of jets at roof top level) lasting more than 5 minutes to as much as 20 minutes. And some type of bright light visual associated with the whole episode.
Revived beast sick of Unipolar Babylon the Great
by proplog2 intoday putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
Have you read the thread where I argue against Babylon the Great being a relgious entity?
That belief, shared by JW's and most others, is what throws them off.
But it is a neccessary mis-understanding.
If Babylon the Great really is the USA at what point would it be good for believers to know that? For example if JW's came to the understanding that Babylon the Great is the USA they would have to make a determination about when to flee. If they had that belief in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis would they have believed that destruction of the USA is close? They would have never used the advantages of the USA to lauch their world wide work. Individual JW's would be jumping the gun so to speak - leaving the USA.
The appropriate time for the chosen to comprehend the meaning of Babylon the Great is when they must take action and flee for their lives. That point will be when the disgusting thing that causes desolation takes place and hints at a more widespread assault to come.
The disgusting thing that causes desolation is a destructive event. Imagine that Russia explodes a nuclear device in New York City. They can get away with that by simply blaming it on terrorists. Such a bomb may be there from the cold war - it doesn't have to arrive by missile. What would be the purpose of such a risky act? Destabilize US efforts in Russia's back yard. Set the US back financially and as a global hegemon. It would also be a message to the former Soviet States that they had better ally themselves with Russia because the US is no longer in a position to help them. It would also extend Putin's power because of the emergency situation that would be created.
The chosen ones would need to change their orientation to accommodate such an event. There would be a period when the chosen could leave the USA. When the leaders of the USA calculate cui bono (who benefits) they will be very suspicious of Russia. Russia will realize that it is only a matter of time before they are found out and will have to strike pre-emptively to totally destroy the USA. Meanwhile the chosen will have escaped.
After the dust settles the Wild Beast will be in control of the world. They will dominate the World Island Europe,Asia, Africa. They can threaten to nuke any nation that doesn't cooperate with them.
JW's are uniquely prepared for such an event. They are a boarderless nation. Their world wide brotherhood is a hardened cadres of devoted and obedient members. They can flee the USA to Central and South America and live with their "brothers". This would be a clear signal to the world that they are "special". Many at that time will no doubt be attracted to their teachings and join them. This will be distrubing to the King of the North. He will order that these people are to be exterminated. Either countries follow orders or they will be exterminated.
In the process of this turmoil perhaps over a billion people will die directly or indirectly. It will be extremely difficult. And it will be at that time that help from the sky arrives. The Wild Beast will be stopped and destroyed. Whatever nations still have power will be allowed to maintain order in their jurisdictions. The chosen take on the role of the model for a New World. They continue to grow until their system covers the entire planet. But don't think that they will be the Watchtower Society - they will be a chastened group worthy of being appointed over all of the Sky Governments interests.
This is a scenario NOBODY believes. NOBODY wants to believe. BUT......
Survey on science, astrology, aliens & article
by Madame Quixote inhttp://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/us-beliefs-in-pseudoscience-worry/20070217212109990001?ncid=nws00010000000001
I wouldn't put alien visitations in the same category as Astrology.
Astrology claims to be a predictive method. The fact that the predictions are not statistically significant proves astrology to be erroneous.
Alien visitations is simply a matter of investigating the claims. It isn't a method of predicting. Like any personal experience you rank each individual experience on a scale of believability. And it IS possible that there may be extra dimensional or extra terrestial entities that have visited the earth.
Astrology IS scientifically absurd. There will never be enough evidence to prove astrology true.
Resurrection vs. Re-Creation...
by Tuesday inum, what's the deal with this?
i'm speaking with a witness and he keeps talking about the resurrection and the way it's explained sounds like it's really a re-creation of all of our memories in god's mind then put back on earth in a re-created body.
so in essence a clone of me with my memories and personality will live forever in paradise, how exactly is that a resurrection.
VM - Narkissos and especially if Farkel is peeking:
Now that's what I'm talking about.
In the end, what will really matter?
by exwitless inin light of the current deep philosophical discussions whirling around, i thought i would post another topic to ponder.
hillary step motivated me to start this topic by this comment on another thread:.
if there is anything that i have learned in my 500 years of life, is that none of it matters much anyway.. we all end up in some dismal cemetry with drunken kids urinating on our tombstones anyway.
What really matters? How much money you leave your kids. And how well you prepare them to earn their own money.
Sooner or later it comes down to dollars and cents.
If you have money you can afford to waste your life on crazy religious ideas.
If you have money you can fill the empty void of atheism with the stuff money can buy (virtually everything).
If you have money you pay for that new treatment for your fatal illness.
If you have money like Trump you pay a pretty woman to like your bald head.
Myers Briggs Personality Indicator
by Outaservice ini don't know how many have taken the myers briggs personality test?
my wife told me i was a esfj, whatever that means!.
do you think people not getting along, poster's differences, or war, or values, etc.
Personality researchers have done little more than produce parlor games with their paper and pencil tests.
None of them know what they are measuring. Imagine if astronomy was still preoccupied with configuring and naming constellations.
Can you imagine astronomers arguing "No! Orion isn't really a hunter it's constellation "H". If you don't believe me just look
at it. It looks like a big "H". The Big Dipper is really a Big Kite. Draco isn't really a Dragon it's part of several other
I think the problem with personality researchers is that they don't try to find physiological and biological causes for behavior. A
good personality theory should be able to measure something "physical" and then tell me who I am. So, how do they start out
telling me who I am? They ask me, via a paper & pencil test, who I think I am. In effect they are telling me I am what I think I
am. This is not science. This is Pop-Eye Cult.
That's What I'M Talkin' About!
by Farkel incall me a curmudgeon.
there are just some expressions in today's vernacular that are just idiotic, and "that's what i'm talkin' about" is one of these.
it is so ghetto.. several people are saying 'blah, blah, blah, de blah and more de blah..." suddenly, a dimwit in the group hears something that dimwit didn't even mention but happens to like the subject and then dimwit blurts out, "now that is what i'm talkin' about!".
Sir Nose:
Farkel can't crump