I agree with you - faith is an archaic word.
If you read Hebrews the 11th chapter it lists people that had faith.
They all experienced visitation of angels or had other extraordinary experiences.
They didn't just have a book of hearsay evidence.
The more appropriate and modern word would be "inductive reasoning"
which is making general conclusions based on specific observations.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
Definitions of Faith
by Shawn10538 ini just had an interesting conversation, though frustrating, with a student about the subject of faith.
i have never heard a definition for faith that i could understand.
every conversation i have had on the subject has only fallen short of establishing what it is.
What the hell is the MATTER with these people?
by mkr32208 ini work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Their behavior is NOT reckless. Sending your kids to school with weird bus-drivers where they are out of sight for at least 7 hours every day could be described as reckless. You just want to have a reason to hate JW's.
Oh, I almost forgot. That's the purpose of this forum! -
What the hell is the MATTER with these people?
by mkr32208 ini work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
What the hell is the MATTER with you guys? It's their business! On farms kids drive dangerous tractors and get up early in the morning to feed the live stock. At least they are doing something as a family. Quit even thinking about meddling. This is the kind of non-productive hate talk that clutters this forum.
What has this religion become? THE WATCHTOWER madhouse
by Terry inc.t.russell began with a personal "purpose" which was to find a way to believe in/worship god while doing away with the beliefs he found to be personally uncomfortable such as hellfire.
he shopped around and cherry picked 2nd adventist views as a foundation.
to this he added pyramidology.
Terry: You ask: "Is your criticism equally unsupported?" Yes. My fallacy is Argumentum ad Numerum. Your fallacy is Argumentum ad Populum. I am merely pointing out that you have written an excellent propaganda piece. A smart JW (and there are some still in the organization) would be clued to the nature of your rant by the type of emotional language you use. "Such a stupid religion" the apostate declared. If stating facts and presenting good arguments doesn't work should you use propaganda? Propaganda appeals to the weak intellect.
What has this religion become? THE WATCHTOWER madhouse
by Terry inc.t.russell began with a personal "purpose" which was to find a way to believe in/worship god while doing away with the beliefs he found to be personally uncomfortable such as hellfire.
he shopped around and cherry picked 2nd adventist views as a foundation.
to this he added pyramidology.
Terry: Interesting opinion piece. It appeals to those who have already dismissed JW's. It is riddled with unsupported statements. Simply? - just another rant. But in no way is it the last word to 6 million people who seem to find some redeeming value in the association of their choice.
Anyone good with dream interpretations?
by Sunnygal41 ini had this pretty interesting dream last night, and was trying to figure out what message was trying to be conveyed to me, if any.
i dreamt that i was with my coworker/supervisor from work and we were going to go for a walk for exercise.
this part of the dream is hazy...........we end up in a couple's home, and they have a new baby~~the next part of the dream is clearer, because it is about a family member: my sister.
You are everything in the dream. You are the co-worker, the walking, the baby, your sister. There is usually a paradox that is at the core of the dream. It is absurd that your sister would have a baby you wouldn't know about. Be the baby that YOU don't know about! Ask the baby "who are you?" "Why don't I know about you?" How would the baby (you) answer? Perhaps You don't know the "born-again" you and what you are about to become.
Okay whose hiding Terry......
by fifi40 inwhere is he........... the board seems kind of quiet without him....... somebody needs to check up on him........ .
Terry: Time to take 50mg of DHEA per day. Seriously!
Who Restarted the Cold War?
by proplog2 inthat's the title of this opinion piece by pat buchannan.
daniel 11:40 says and in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through.".
some translations say "battle" instead of "pushing".
That's the title of this opinion piece by Pat Buchannan
Daniel 11:40 Says “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through."
Some translations say "battle" instead of "pushing". But the root of the verb here is "thrust". Whatever is the correct translation it suggests the King of the South is the instigator.
With that in mind consider Pat Buchannans column:
Opinion Pat Buchanan
Who Restarted the Cold War?
Fri Oct 19, 3:00 AM ET
"Putin's Hostile Course," the lead editorial in The Washington Times of Oct. 18, began thus:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin's invitation to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit Moscow is just the latest sign that, more than 16 years after the collapse of Soviet communism, Moscow is gravitating toward Cold War behavior. The old Soviet obsession — fighting American imperialism — remains undiluted. ...
"(A)t virtually every turn, Mr. Putin and the Russian leadership appear to be doing their best in ways large and small to marginalize and embarrass the United States and undercut U.S. foreign policy interests."
The Times pointed to Putin's snub of Robert Gates and Condi Rice by having them cool their heels for 40 minutes before a meeting. Then came a press briefing where Putin implied Russia may renounce the Reagan-Gorbachev INF treaty, which removed all U.S. and Soviet medium-range missiles from Europe, and threatened to pull out of the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, whereby Russia moved its tanks and troops far from the borders of Eastern Europe.
On and on the Times indictment went. Russia was blocking new sanctions on Iran. Russia was selling anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Russia was selling weapons to Syria that found their way to Hezbollah and Hamas. Russia and Iran were talking up an OPEC-style natural gas cartel. All this, said the Times, calls to mind "Soviet-era behavior."
Missing from the prosecution's case, however, was the motive. Why has Putin's Russia turned hostile? Why is Putin mending fences with China, Iran and Syria? Why is Putin sending Bear bombers to the edge of American airspace? Why has Russia turned against America? For Putin's approval rating is three times that of George Bush. Who restarted the Cold War?
To answer that question, let us go back those 16 years.
What happened in 1991 and 1992?
Well, Russia let the Berlin Wall be torn down and its satellite states be voted or thrown out of power across Eastern Europe. Russia agreed to pull the Red Army all the way back inside its border. Russia agreed to let the Soviet Union dissolve into 15 nations. The Communist Party agreed to share power and let itself be voted out. Russia embraced freedom and American-style capitalism, and invited Americans in to show them how it was done.
Russia did not use its veto in the Security Council to block the U.S. war to drive Saddam Hussein, an ally, out of Kuwait. When 9-11 struck, Putin gave his blessing to U.S. troops using former republics as bases for the U.S. invasion.
What was Moscow's reward for its pro-America policy?
The United States began moving NATO into Eastern Europe and then into former Soviet republics. Six ex-Warsaw Pact nations are now NATO allies, as are three ex-republics of the Soviet Union. NATO expansionists have not given up on bringing Ukraine, united to Russia for centuries, or Georgia, Stalin's birthplace, into NATO.
In 1999, the United States bombed Serbia, which has long looked to Mother Russia for protection, for 78 days, though the Serbs' sole crime was to fight to hold their cradle province of Kosovo, as President Lincoln fought to hold onto the American South. Now America is supporting the severing of Kosovo from Serbia and creation of a new Islamic state in the Balkans, over Moscow's protest.
While Moscow removed its military bases from Cuba and all over the Third World, we have sought permanent military bases in Russia's backyard of Central Asia.
We dissolved the Nixon-Brezhnev ABM treaty and announced we would put a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Under presidents Clinton and Bush, the United States financed a pipeline for Caspian Sea oil to transit Azerbaijan and Georgia to the Black Sea and Turkey, cutting Russia out of the action.
With the end of the Cold War, the KGB was abolished and the Comintern disappeared. But the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House and other Cold War agencies, funded with tens of millions in tax-exempt and tax dollars, engineered the ouster of pro-Russian regimes in Serbia, Ukraine and Georgia, and sought the ouster of the regime in Minsk.
At the Cold War's end, the United States was given one of the great opportunities of history: to embrace Russia, largest nation on earth, as partner, friend, ally. Our mutual interests meshed almost perfectly. There was no ideological, territorial, historic or economic quarrel between us, once communist ideology was interred.
We blew it.
We moved NATO onto Russia's front porch, ignored her valid interests and concerns, and, with our "indispensable-nation" arrogance, treated her as a defeated power, as France treated Weimar Germany after Versailles.
Who restarted the Cold War? Bush and the braying hegemonists he brought with him to power. Great empires and tiny minds go ill together.
Anyone Diabetic To Answer A Question?
by Sunspot inis there anyone here that is diabetic that could answer something for me?
i am doing the finger sticking 4 times a day and have weird stuff happening.
i am very new to this and cannot afford the "training session" that my doctor wanted me to go to......just found out my friend was just diagnosed about the same time i was....and she cannot afford the same session either!.
What kind of lancets are you using? The higher the number the thinner the lancet and the less painful. Try to use a 30 gauge lancet. The 26 are too big and painful. I went straight to insulin injections. They are painless and give me complete control over blood sugar. Started out with 2 shots of 10 units each. After 3 weeks I was down to two shots of 3 units each. Walk two miles per day. Don't eat any sugar or bread. No potatoes. The diet recommended for diabetics will keep you diabetic. Also take the following supplements: cinnamon, cloves, bitter melon, GTF Chromium. You can buy some of this at Walmart. Cloves and bitter melon capsules you will have to go to health food store.
Wow! Nobel Winner Says Blacks Less Intelligent
by Justitia Themis in
a british museum has canceled a lecture by dr. james watson, co-discoverer of the dna double helix, after he claimed black people are less intelligent than whites in a recent newspaper interview.. watson, who won the 1962 nobel prize for his part in discovering the structure of dna, provoked a storm of criticism after his comments were published in the sunday times.. the eminent biologist told the british newspaper he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours -- whereas all the testing says not really.".
watson, 79, had been due to give a lecture at london's science museum on friday but the museum canceled his appearance, saying his comments had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate.".
The average IQ of Asians is about 15 points higher than Caucasians. I'm white and that doesn't bother me a bit. And I don't consider it racist. It seems people are as smart as they need to be.