I work nights so when I get off I'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if I need something or whatever. This morning at 6:55 (I know because I looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me BY HERSELF to offer me a tract... I mean COME ON it's still full freaking DARK out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
I asked her "where are your parents." She was like "over there" and pointed to a couple of goobers about two tenths of a MILE away across this parking lot. I told her thanks for offering the tract but I really didn't want it. I was disguised though it was all I could do not to drive down there on my bike and slap the crap out of them. What a disgrace for parents that little girls should have been home in bed. Not out endangering herself handing out that cult garbage.