?Molestation is not a problem unique to JW’s.
It happens all the time everywhere.
It is a human problem.
Jews have the problem.
Mormon’s have the problem.
Enter the words MOLESTATION and the name of any religion
and google will vomit up a sewer full of cases.
JW’s deserve to get sued like everyone else for exposing
children to molesters because of their
negligence. But-
Some want to get more mileage out of this.
Some want to destroy the JW organization with scandal.
That will never work. The fallacy is clear:
even the Devil has to be proven wrong.
Attacking JW’s in a personal way is only a temporary distraction
from proving their teachings wrong.
The JW doctrines stand even after the mud slides off.
It is the doctrines that have to be attacked and disproved.
Here is the fallacy of the personal attack and poisoning the well:
SINCE, JW’s have been guilty of exposing their children to molesters THEREFORE
EVERYTHING they say is necessarily false.
Apparently JW’s aren’t exempt from using this kind of faulty logic.
They gave wide distribution to a tract highlighting molestation in
the Catholic Church. Everyone with an ounce of brains knows
that if you point your fingers at others
on this issue then the fingers will be pointing back.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
Why the molestation issue won't bring down JW's
by proplog2 in?molestation is not a problem unique to jws.
it happens all the time everywhere.
it is a human problem.
The Build Up to March 10, 2008
by sweet pea inso, everyone, do you think there's any mileage in planning a campaign leading up to the watchtower study on the faithful and discreet slave being appointed in 1919?
who's planning on doing some personal study on this one with their family?
i'm sure open mind has something up his sleeve?
The study you are talking about really is for Sunday March 16. It may be good to mark that date on the calendar and attend the Watchtower on that date. World events could be very interesting around that time. One week after the Russian Presidential elections. I think the JW's will be a little confused at what they will be experiencing.
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire inwhat was the big deal with that dam tree to begin with!
Jesus' message was one of anti-selfishness - Love. The best teacher is someone who is an example of his teaching. How do you set the example in showing love? You show yourself willing to die.
He allowed himself to get into a situation where he could stand before a representative of the greatest empire on earth at that time.
John 18:33-38 (NIV)
33Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"
34"Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?"
35"Am I a Jew?" Pilate replied. "It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?"
36Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."
37"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.
Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."
38"What is truth?" Pilate asked. With this he went out again to the Jews and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him.
Jesus showed that he was not afraid of the Romans. He was not afraid of the Jews. He took his stand against evil earthly governments. His kingdom is not of this world. His kingdom is extraterrestial.
How pathetic that JW's are the only ones of those who claim to follow Jesus that declare loyalty to the Kingdom of the Sky. JW's would rather be killed or imprisoned than to lift up a sword against another human.
Jesus' willingness to die for the kingdom of the heavens was a major paradigm shift. Only JW's really get it. They are united in their stand for the kingdom.
All the ransom, sacrifice, and other temple metaphors was mainly to engage the attention of the Jews. The real "truth" was his willingness to die for the kingdom. -
Who ARE We?
by SixofNine inaccording to our va, this young man does not deserve 100% disability: .
http://www.cnn.com/2007/health/11/15/wounded.marine/ind.... .
more than 28,500 troops have been wounded in operation iraqi freedom, including about 8,500 that have needed air transport, according to the u.s. military.
We are a Christian nation.
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
Voideater: Most Christian organizations are passive. They aren't walking the streets looking for new members. The clergy are certified by certain synods, conventions, etc. They are expected to hold to the orthodoxy of their particular certification board, body etc. All of Jehovah's Witnesses perform the training function. So it is more important what these agents say and do. How do you make sure that 6,000,000 or even a thousand people are teaching the right thing? The Watchtower used to be more flexible and accommodating with "questioning". They can't handle things the same way they did when there were only 100,000 members.
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
Yes the chain of reasoning you present is logical based on your initial premise:"If you believe that the Organization is God's....
However, the concept of God is completely incoherent. There is no omnipotent/omniscient being at the controls.
My assessment of JW's is strictly as an atheist. Perhaps you haven't read some of my other posts.
While I don't believe in God because it is impossible for such a being to exist I do believe there is a possibility that there are other material beings in the universe that have evolved. And I think it is reasonable to believe that such evolved beings would have an interest in human success. They may serve the function of midwife to the difficult process of a planets population emerging to a highly cooperative level of social functioning.... ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED OF GOD?
Again this concept is unbelievable because there is no God. However some of the Bible may be an attempt by our Angelic/Alien brothers to intervene - minimally - in our affairs.
The only way to salvage the Bible as some sort of guide for humans is to believe as I am suggesting. No omnipotent/omniscient God would run things as rotten as they are. Either the Bible is mythology or it is influenced by beings that have limited power to change things.
Not My Favourite Scripture;
Luke 21:8 - He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. - If that does not describe the Watchtower Society exactly, then i will eat the Bible.
This is another one of those mixed messages that drive me crazy.
If you read the context he's saying - don't follow those people who claim to be Christ - instead you are to join up with those who are going to be persecuted, betrayed by family and friends and possibly killed. Read Luke 21:12-19 -
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
Maddie: There is a time for everything. If this is really the time of the end and the days are really short then such extraordinary times call for extraordinary behavior. If you join the army you are expected to be obedient to your commanding officers - especially in battle. Jehovah's Witnesses did not write this: Matthew 10:34-37 (NIV) 34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn " 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - 36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'[a] 37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Some have become disillusioned because they thought JW's is a nice social club. It isn't the Lions or the Rotary Club. Patrick Henry was an idiot. Give me life and I'll worry about liberty later.
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
Lovelylil: You are asking me for scriptural support that a huge billion dollar publishing empire will survive armageddon? I never said that. So hack away. By the way this is called the straw man fallacy. You are misrepresenting my view so that you have something you can attack. But, now that you brought it up why don't YOU prove that a huge billion dollar publishing empire is necessarily a bad thing. Are printing presses automatically evil? Is it evil for associations of people to do business as a non-profit corporation? You hate the Watchtower. Plain and simple. Leave it at that.
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
Mum: Prophet like most words contain a lot of different meanings. 1Samuel 9:8-10 equates prophets to seers. One who sees things clearly and also can see how things will turn out in the future.
The necessity of failed prophetic dates
by proplog2 init is very tempting to ridicule the jw habit of setting dates for the end of the world/ armageddon/ great tribulation.
but prophecy has been a significant part of the judaeo-christian panorama.
there has also been a great deal of tension between "prophets" and "preists".. .
myelaine: Trust emerges with familiarity over time. That's the advantage of having a full schedule of meetings and other activities. It creates a sense of family. Not everyone in a group of 150 are going to be trusted equally. But, I know of at least 10 at my hall that I can speak my mind to with absolutely no consequences. And most of the 10 (some elders) don't even agree with me. But that 10 also have varying trust levels with others in the congregation. That's what is meant by network of trust. It's so strong that a large number of x-jws still network with each other even though they have left the organization years ago.