What was the big deal with that dam tree to begin with! What point was there in saying don't eat from that one tree and then forget about satan wondering around down there lying up a storm about god holding something back without trying to rebut him once.
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Also, looking at the way mainstream Christians teach Jesus is God -- did Jesus sacrifice himself - to himself, then raise himself up from the dead? Who ran the universe for the two-and-a-half days he was waiting to raise himself?
Open mind
Yet another perspective that makes the "Ransom" sound screwy.
Thanks BlueSaphire.
Open Mind
LOL @ Gopher who misunderstands the Trinity doctrine ... silly as it is!
And yeah, what the F is that about the tree? All humanity has to suffer because of a fliggin idiotic rule which was broken by some fliggin idiotic people?
And so this makes a whole lot of sense:
You ate the fruit from the tree? Great, now I have to sacrifice my first born son! Goddammit ... oh wait, I AM DAMNING IT!
That's one issue I've always had with the bible. Why is it a sacrifice when nothing was lost?
Jesus died knowing full well it would only be for 3 days and then it was already prophesied that he'd be resurrected.
The ancient Israelites lost whatever they sacrificed. What was actually lost? What was the sacrifice? -
A comedian on the comedy network joked that we should all sin as much as we can, since Jesus died for our sins. I found that hilarious. It really does make you wonder how god would reason that his son being tortured, dying painfully and then being resurrected really changes things. I guess god makes all the rules that is why he is god!!!
OK Here is my understanding of the message of Jesus' sacrifice, I hope it means something to someone.
He let his body be destoyed to show us the neccessity of dying to the world in order to be reborn in spirit.
To me it means we must discard old selfish ,ego driven conditioning ( ie: the world ) and replace it with altruistic desires and actions ( ie:Holy spirit )
The flesh is impermanent , the spirit is eternal .
That is my understanding of Christianity
His example was that we are more than what we percieve ourslves to be , we are wonderful and profound manifestations of Love .
The creator/creative force willed our existence so we could recieve delight in the understanding of our source.
We exist only to recieve , a preversion of this will to recieve manifests itself in egoic or selfish desire.
We are the opposite of the creaive force as it is only the will to bestow ,to give.
This is the importance of the lesson of sacrifice , only through sacrifice ( giving up of transient , egoic desires and developing altruistic replacements) can we be "saved" ( come into full realization of our true nature and our true purpose)
This saving takes place during our lifetime "The kingdom of heaven is within you " It is about being alive in the fullest sense , and being free from the behaviors that hinder our recieving of pleasure from the creator.
I'm not a christian but I love Jesus for what he did.
Brother Apostate
A perfect Spirit creature so loved the world, as did His Father, that He came to earth, commited no sin, yet was beaten, scourged, mocked, spit upon, tortured, finally being executed in a very tortuous manner, all to redeem fallen mankind. Did He have to do it? No.
Yet He did, because He and His Father love us. And because of His doing so, we now can look forward to something more than our puny, sinful, fleshly, few, years of life, having the opportunity to live forever!
That's why it's a "big deal".
BA- Thank God and Christ for their love and faithfulness!
BA, the problem with that reasoning is that he (supposedly) already had 100% confirmed foreknowledge that he would be resurrected, not just nebulous "faith", so what exactly did he sacrifice?
It's like someone telling me they're going to crush my car, but they're giving me a Rolls Royce in 3 days.