The Pseudepigrapha are much more effective in showing that God does not exist and the Bible is nothing but Myth. Adding more fairy tales to support your position is not going to work.
"pseudepigrapha," meaning it is not believed to have been written by the named author.
BTW, you appear to be also quoting 2 ENOCH, but you only give the Date of Origin of 1 ENOCH.
2 ENOCH is later than 1 ENOCH (see below).
Enoch answered the people saying hear my children ,before anything was and before the whole creation took place, the Lord established the age of creation; and after that he made all of the creation both visible and invisible and after that he created man in his own image. He gave him eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to think with and a mind to council. I swear to you my children that before man was in the womb of his mother we were prepared, each individual and a place for each spirit that each should sojourn here in his proper time, that man might be tested in the balance ..." 2 Enoch 17:
" Enoch went to the Lord who taught him all about creation and his works... He saw matter unorganized before the creation...the council in heaven... He saw Satan aspire and get cast out to become the foundation of lower things, beyond which there ii great darkness and nothing"
2 Enoch 11:
" Then the angel Braboil said: Sit down and write all the spirits of men, all those who have not been born yet, and the places which have been prepared for them. All these things were prepared since before the foundation of the world. And I wrote down all the affairs of men. Secrets of Enoch 10: (Vaillant)
"And everything which is found in this world has been before, and has passed before him and has been arranged [organized] before Him . . . all the creations of the world which have existed in each generation, before they came into this world, have existed before Him in their true form, even all the souls of the children of man have been before they came down to the world, have all been formed before Him in heaven in the very likeness that they have in this world." Zohar III:61
"When an ancient spirit is about to come down . . . to that region which they call the kingdom of Adam, that Archon who is at the head of the place gives the preexistent soul a cup of forgetfulness..."
1 (Ethiopic Apocalypse of) ENOCH (Second Century B.C. - First Century A.D.)
2 (Slavonic Apocalypse of) ENOCH (Late First Century A.D.)
3 (Hebrew Apocalypse of) ENOCH (FIFTH-SIXTH CENTURY A.D.)
Date (2 Enoch): Since no manuscripts older than the fourteenth century are known, any time before that is available as the date by which the book reached its present form. But evidence for the complete texts of the two main recensions is somewhat later than that, and the earliest evidence (that of MPr) different from both of them. This divergence is probably the result of transmission in Slavonic, with extensive expansions and contractions (see nn. to the translation). The original translation could have been made in an early period of Slavic literacy, but even so the supposed Greek composition need not have been produced earlier than A.D. 1000. Of course the Greek author could have made use of ancient material, and almost certainly did. But the very freedom of the treatment makes it impossible to prove that any passage which resembles something in another work is a quotation, whether a quotation from 2 Enoch in some other work of known date (proving that 2En existed prior to the writing of the work which quotes it), or whether a quotation from some other work used by the author of 2 Enoch (proving that 2En must be later thatn the work which it quotes). And, quite apart from the elusive character of such evidence, even if it could be proved that 2 Enoch contains such a quotation, this might be no more than a late gloss, and not an integral part of the original work. Of this character are the references to the Julian calendar which are obvious glosses and settle nothing concerning the date of the main text. The suspected echoes of the New Testament seem to be of this kind, and betray more likely the hand of a Christian scribe than the mind of a Christian author. In view of this complicated situation, it is not surprising that dates ranging all the way from pre-Christian times to the late Middle Ages have been proposed for the production of 2 Enoch.
edited for clarity
Edited by - pseudoxristos on 11 July 2002 3:17:49