Or did he just freeload off of everyone?
Seriously, who would follow such a character?
or did he just freeload off of everyone?.
seriously, who would follow such a character?.
Or did he just freeload off of everyone?
Seriously, who would follow such a character?
jehovahs witnesses are coming.
rockford register star, il - 13 minutes ago.
yes, jehovahs witnesses do go door-to-door, and no, they do not celebrate holidays.
Here is how they can say:
they do not believe that they are the only believers who can win salvation.
Do they believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?
No. Millions that have lived in centuries past and who were not
Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an
opportunity for life. Many now living may yet take a stand for truth
and righteousness before the "great tribulation," and they will gain
salvation. Moreover, Jesus said that we should not be judging one
another. We look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart.
He sees accurately and judges mercifully. He has committed judgment
into Jesus' hands, not ours.—Matthew 7:1-5; 24:21; 25:31.
I'm not sure where this is from, probably from one of the questions from a reader.
even though i am myself deaf, i can speak english pretty well and i also do america sign language.
what about you?
Has anyone heard of or know Esperanto. I'm considering studing it once I my Spanish bcomes a little better. Given the small number of speakers, I'm not sure it will be worthwhile though.
even though i am myself deaf, i can speak english pretty well and i also do america sign language.
what about you?
English, currently learning Spanish, some ASL. I can also read enough Koine Greek to get by.
I found the following site helpful with pronunciation. It does a decent job in converting text to speech.
nashville, tenn. (bp)--the gospel of judas is helpful in understanding early church heresy but should be viewed as false writings and not comparable to the biblical gospels, conservative scholars say.
a group of scholars and translators announced in early april the documents discovery, disclosing the find just before a special about the manuscript aired on the national geographic channel.
national geographic billed it as a "lost gospel.
Judas Gospel is fictional
One down, four to go. Perhaps there's hope for you yet.
could someone tell me why the jw bible is called the new world translation of the holy scriptures and not the new world translation of the holy bible?
and why do jw's have so many publications to accompany the bible?
if the bible is inspired by god, shouldn't the bible be enough?
And why do JW's have so many publications to accompany the Bible?
Because a publishing company must continue to publish books to stay in business.
i have a great business idea for you, your going to need to invest a small amount and get your friends involved and within a year or less you should not even have to work at all and just sit back and let the money roll in.
heard it, done it and for god's sake will people stop falling prey to these things.
amway and quickstar are the same company!
I've always found it amazing how similar the Watchtower's techniques are to Amway.
Before and after my ex-wife became a witness, she fell for every multi-level marketing scheme that came along, including Amway.
In a way the Watchtower is running its own multi-level marketing scheme. Instead of becoming wealthy, the goal is to obtain everlasting life. One of the big money makers for Amway is the sell of its training aids. These are pushed upon the participants much like the Watchtower pushes its literature on Witnesses. And of course Amway participants and Witnesses must continuously recruit new ones. All of this is re-enforced with meetings and association with other like-minded individuals.
Sure. I'm just one of many.
In the process of becoming a Witness, you rid yourself of many of Christendom's myths. With only a couple of myths left, Atheism is only a few steps away.
this is brilliant!!
telemarketer counter-script
Is there a counter-script for Witnesses when they come to the door?