Here is the first thing I've found on the subject, though I haven't read much of it yet.
interesting.. here is the first thing i've found on the subject, though i haven't read much of it yet..
Here is the first thing I've found on the subject, though I haven't read much of it yet.
having gone to the last dc i realized how much i love a lot of people within the borg.
but i also realized how much i hate listening to the talks.. i've come up with two or three strategies on how to deal.
one is to take advantage of the borg by going to a foreign language congregation.
Go for the foreign language congregation. Not only will you learn a new language, but you will also learn about their culture and make some new friends.
As we have gone down the pronunciation road... one of the most memorable talks I ever remember given was about the importance of using correct pronunciation at the door so we don't seem uneducated. The funny thing was the guy giving the talk had the most horrid pronunciation of anyone I knew. He always said Jehover instead of Jehovah. And what was great about the talk is he kept telling us how important correct pro noun ciation was... and he repeated the point over and over throughout his talk.
Ah, memories...
Wow, I remember that talk. It was in a congregation in Oklahoma.
day 3 of creation .
gen 1:9-13 .
9 and god went on to say: let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear.
I had come to a similar conclusion several years ago regarding the idea that the writers of Genesis did not realize that the sun was the source of the illumination of the atmosphere. I'm glad to see that you have reached a similar conclusion, as I have not seen this idea expressed elsewhere.
The account only make sense when viewed in this manner. I would imagine that the appearance of the moon during the night without the illumination of the atmosphere gave rise to the idea that day and night were not directly related to the sun (or the illuminaries as seen from their point of view).
Thanks for confirming what I had previously suspected and as always I've enjoyed your well researched posts.
atheists clamor for proof of godas existence.
give us hard, physical proof they say, and then weall believe.
if evolution truly happened, how did that one apersona that evolved from monkeys learn to speak and write?
Here is something I did a few years ago when I was looking at how the Bible was put together. It is quite long so I will only post the introduction here with a link to the complete text if you are interested.
Even though it is long, it can be read in about 3 or 4 minutes if you skip over all of the Biblical text.
Separating The Two Flood Accounts
Most people may not realize it, but the Biblical Flood Account actually consists of two interwoven flood narratives.
JEDP Theory
It seems most modern Bible views concerning the books of Moses pre-suppose the JEDP theory. This documentary theory claims to identify 4 underlying sources or documents in the books of Moses. These presumed documents are called J (for Jahweh) and E (for Elohim) which are names of God; D (for Deuteronimic) and P (for Priestly). Each of these documents are claimed to have their own characteristics and theology, and which surprisingly, often contradict that of the other documents.
[broken link removed]
The JEDP theory first came about when it was noticed that at some points in the text of the books of Moses, God was sometimes referred to with the Divine Name, while at other times he was referred to with the title God (Elohim). As the theory developed, the D(euteronimic) and P(riestly) strands were added to the theory.
An interesting aspect about the restoration of the Divine Name to the OT, (as in the NWT), is that such a translation serves to highlight the locations in the text where the original writers used the Divine Name as opposed to the title God. Although the distinction can be observed in translations that use “LORD” instead, I feel that it is much easier seen in translations such as the NWT.
So with all that being said, let’s take a look at the text.
atheists clamor for proof of godas existence.
give us hard, physical proof they say, and then weall believe.
if evolution truly happened, how did that one apersona that evolved from monkeys learn to speak and write?
You covered such a multitude of topics that it would take considerable effort address each issue properly. Instead of trying to address each and every one of the issues you covered individually, may I suggest that you enter the following into your favorite search engine and first get a basic understanding of how it is believed that the Bible was put together.
Synoptic Gospels
After doing a little basic research, you will find that you will have a better foundation to discuss these issues.
it seems that jesus did the exact same thing.. i ran into this while looking for what the jews believe about elijah:.
elijah did return.
in exactly the same way that john the baptist and jesus came down from heaven two thousand years ago.. .
It seems that Jesus did the exact same thing.
I ran into this while looking for what the Jews believe about Elijah:
The Jewish religious leaders of Jesus' day were well aware of the 'return of Elijah' prophecy. At one time the rabbis had asked Jesus' disciples to explain how Jesus could possibly have been the Messiah when it was obvious that Elijah had not returned from heaven yet.
The Apostles couldn't answer this question, so they asked Jesus:
"Why do the Jewish leaders insist Elijah must return before the Messiah comes?"
Jesus answered by first affirming that this question was valid and that this prophecy indeed was true. He said:
"They are right. Elijah must come and set everything in order..."But then, to everyone's surprise, Jesus explained:
"In fact, he [Elijah] already has come, but he wasn't recognized, and was badly mistreated by many... Then the disciples realized he was speaking of John the Baptist." -Matthew 17:10-13 (LIVING BIBLE-CATHOLIC EDITION) (this account can also be found in: Mark 9:11-13)
Clearly, Jesus taught that this was a true prophecy. Jesus agreed that Elijah indeed "must return before the Messiah comes." But then, to the surprise to everyone there, Jesus claimed that John the Baptist was the fulfillment of this prophecy.
According to Jesus, this prophecy concerning the return of Elijah from heaven was not fulfilled literally... in a way that most people could easily identify. Instead, it was fulfilled in a way that most people were not prepared to recognize. Elijah did return. But, it was his "spirit and power" which had returned... and not his fleshly body
Interestingly, the article continues by using the above to argue that Jesus has returned invisibly and Baha'u'llah is the fullfillment of the prophesized return.
Why is the example of the 'return of Elijah' prophecy important? Today we have the exact same circumstances that we had two thousand years ago. Today most Christians are expecting to see Jesus Christ literally, visibly return from heaven. Baha'u'llah, the Prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith, unmistakably claims to be the fulfillment of the 'return of Christ from heaven' prophecies. Is Baha'u'llah truly the Promised One? Has history repeated itself? Did Baha'u'llah come down from heaven? Yes! In exactly the same way that John the Baptist and Jesus came down from heaven two thousand years ago.
I can't help wondering why I once bought into religion.
jw's are taught that there is no fate-if fate existed no one would be responsible for what they did?
however, i always thought their explanation of jehovah selectively looking into the future was fuzzy.
take the prophecy of cyrus conquering babylon and freeing the israelites back home.
Where can I get some of that fungi?
this site has a copy of the co outline... in spanish
Opps.... I didn't realize there was a second page with the translation already done.
this site has a copy of the co outline... in spanish
Here is the spanish version of the text.
As stated above, it is giving two situations where one is tolerated as long as it doesn't interfere with serving the Org. and the other situation is unexceptable because of wrong motivation and it interferes with serving the Org.
Palabras saludables al hablar de la educación seglar (15 min.)
El objectivo de la educación es poder alabar a jehová (w96 1/2 14 párr. 23).
Lo que pensamos de la educación revela cuánta fe tenemos en la promesa de Dios de cuidar
de sus siervos (Mt 6:33; Col 3:23, 24)
Atender las necesidades personales y familia es un objectivo secundario (1Ti 6:6-8; w96 1/2
14 párr. 22)
Para tomar buenas decisiones, hay que prever los costos de la educación superior (Lu 14:28-30)
Pregunta: ¿Qué costos implica una educación superior? [Monetarios, promueve el deseo de
prominencia en el sistema de Satanás, ambiente de moral relajada, algunos han abandonado
la verdad, etc. (w05 1/10 28, 29 párrs. 9-13)]
Los padres deben ayudar de maneras prácticas a sus hijos a elegir una educación que les propor-
cione un futuro feliz y duradero
Concentrarse en las actividades de la congregación produce felicidad (Hch 20:35)
Los primeros discípulos de Jesús renunciaron a profesiones prometedoras (Mt 4:18-22; 9:9;
Col 4:14)
No lo vieron como una pérdida (Mt 19:29)
¿Seguiría un hermano satisfaciendo los requisitos para tener privilegios en la congregación si él,
su esposa o sus hijos cursaran estudios superiores? [pida comentarios breves sobre 1 Timoteo
3:13 y Tito 1:9]
Situación: El hijo de un anciano está estudiando la carrera de arquitectura, vive con sus pa-
dres, es siervo ministerial, ha organizado su educación para que no estorbe las reuniones ne
el ministerio, cada cierto tiempo es precursor auxiliar y la familia no promueve la idea de
que otros deberían obtener ese tipo de educación
Preguntas: Por su modo de vivir y el de su familia, ¿puede decirse que este anciano ense-
ña a los suyos a poner el Reino en primer lugar? (Mt 6:33.) [Si algún hermano o miembro
de su familia está recibiendo educación superior para encontrar un trabajo específico,
no la promueve y está claro que tanto él como su familia buscan primero el Reino, sus
privilegios de servicio no tienen por qué verse afectados. Algunas profesiones exigen que
la persona reciba periódicamente cursos de actualización para que no pierda su licencia
Situación: La hija de un anciano estudia en la universidad lejos de casa con el fin de ganar
más dinero. El anciano y su esposa están contando a otros hermanos que su hija lo hace por-
que ellos se lo pidieron pensando en la buena situación económica que ella tendrá y el pres-
tigio que la familia ganará
Preguntas: ¿Qué opinión tiene esta familia de lo que el esclavo fiel ha dicho sobre la educa-
ción superior, según revelan sus plabras y conducta? (Sl 1:2, 3; 1Co 2:13-16; 3Jn 9)
[Cuando un siervo nombrado promueve la educación superior para obtner ganancia eco-
nómica o prestigio, esto pone en duda que cumpla los reguisitos para servir a la congrega-
ción, pues se ven afectadas su franqueza de expresión y la de sus compañeros ancianos]