Opps.... I didn't realize there was a second page with the translation already done.
this site has a copy of the co outline... in spanish
Opps.... I didn't realize there was a second page with the translation already done.
this site has a copy of the co outline... in spanish
Here is the spanish version of the text.
As stated above, it is giving two situations where one is tolerated as long as it doesn't interfere with serving the Org. and the other situation is unexceptable because of wrong motivation and it interferes with serving the Org.
Palabras saludables al hablar de la educación seglar (15 min.)
El objectivo de la educación es poder alabar a jehová (w96 1/2 14 párr. 23).
Lo que pensamos de la educación revela cuánta fe tenemos en la promesa de Dios de cuidar
de sus siervos (Mt 6:33; Col 3:23, 24)
Atender las necesidades personales y familia es un objectivo secundario (1Ti 6:6-8; w96 1/2
14 párr. 22)
Para tomar buenas decisiones, hay que prever los costos de la educación superior (Lu 14:28-30)
Pregunta: ¿Qué costos implica una educación superior? [Monetarios, promueve el deseo de
prominencia en el sistema de Satanás, ambiente de moral relajada, algunos han abandonado
la verdad, etc. (w05 1/10 28, 29 párrs. 9-13)]
Los padres deben ayudar de maneras prácticas a sus hijos a elegir una educación que les propor-
cione un futuro feliz y duradero
Concentrarse en las actividades de la congregación produce felicidad (Hch 20:35)
Los primeros discípulos de Jesús renunciaron a profesiones prometedoras (Mt 4:18-22; 9:9;
Col 4:14)
No lo vieron como una pérdida (Mt 19:29)
¿Seguiría un hermano satisfaciendo los requisitos para tener privilegios en la congregación si él,
su esposa o sus hijos cursaran estudios superiores? [pida comentarios breves sobre 1 Timoteo
3:13 y Tito 1:9]
Situación: El hijo de un anciano está estudiando la carrera de arquitectura, vive con sus pa-
dres, es siervo ministerial, ha organizado su educación para que no estorbe las reuniones ne
el ministerio, cada cierto tiempo es precursor auxiliar y la familia no promueve la idea de
que otros deberían obtener ese tipo de educación
Preguntas: Por su modo de vivir y el de su familia, ¿puede decirse que este anciano ense-
ña a los suyos a poner el Reino en primer lugar? (Mt 6:33.) [Si algún hermano o miembro
de su familia está recibiendo educación superior para encontrar un trabajo específico,
no la promueve y está claro que tanto él como su familia buscan primero el Reino, sus
privilegios de servicio no tienen por qué verse afectados. Algunas profesiones exigen que
la persona reciba periódicamente cursos de actualización para que no pierda su licencia
Situación: La hija de un anciano estudia en la universidad lejos de casa con el fin de ganar
más dinero. El anciano y su esposa están contando a otros hermanos que su hija lo hace por-
que ellos se lo pidieron pensando en la buena situación económica que ella tendrá y el pres-
tigio que la familia ganará
Preguntas: ¿Qué opinión tiene esta familia de lo que el esclavo fiel ha dicho sobre la educa-
ción superior, según revelan sus plabras y conducta? (Sl 1:2, 3; 1Co 2:13-16; 3Jn 9)
[Cuando un siervo nombrado promueve la educación superior para obtner ganancia eco-
nómica o prestigio, esto pone en duda que cumpla los reguisitos para servir a la congrega-
ción, pues se ven afectadas su franqueza de expresión y la de sus compañeros ancianos]
according to the watchtower, a resurrected being is a body that has placed within it the memories and attributes of a person who had lived before.. the "life force" is transferred to the body to bring it alive.
also according to the watchtower, the "life force" is impersonal and contains no personality.
it is like electricity in that it is an actuating force.. ok, so in the future there will be billions of people with memories of having lived on the earth.
Interesting point!
Not only is it illogical to think that a copy of you will actually continue to be you at some future point, but the resurrection hope itself becomes pointless once you're dead.
Once you're dead according to the Watchtowers definition of death, you will no longer have any desires, much less the desire to be resurrected. Whether you're dead for a day, a million years or all eternity, it's all the same.
If one truly believes that they will cease to exist at death, then they should also realize any desire to live again will also cease to exist.
does anybody know of any words, which are spelt and pronounced the same, which are used in other languages but which mean completely different things?
as an example (which doesn't work i know) love in english means affection, but love in say, spanish, means hate?
dumb example i know, but do you catch my drift?
In Spanish "embarazada" means pregnant.
The Thai word for a certain kind of squash is "fuk".
over the years, i have posted all of the chapters from my atheist's book of bible stories on this site.. however, since the original posting, many of the chapters have been polished and updated.. the complete book is now available for downloading, if anyone is interested: http://www.sendspace.com/file/qwpjol.
I would like to look at it, but at the moment I'm in Saudi and due to religious paranoia the Saudi government censors certain Internet sites. I'm not sure why they decided that sendspace.com should be censored, but it seems kind of ironic that I can't look at anti-Christian information because of their censorship.
Anyway, I thought that I would post here to bookmark the thread so I can look at it when I get out of this forsaken place.
i can't recall seeing this at the kh.
i just know you guys are going to tear this up.
there's just so much ammo hear.
Here is the profile of the goofball that put these videos on YouTube.
i can't recall seeing this at the kh.
i just know you guys are going to tear this up.
there's just so much ammo hear.
Over the past 130 years Jehovah's Witnesses have been helped by a Governing Body
This is really stretching the truth a bit (actually it's an outright lie). The Jehovah's Witnesses have not been directed helped by the Governing Body for the past 130 years. From what I remember, the Governing Body did not exist until around the middle of the 20th century. And what is up with the idea that the Governing body "has helped" the Witnesses. The Governing Body "is" the controlling body of the Witnesses. To imply that they simply help the Witnesses is the most outrageous thing in the video.
i can't recall seeing this at the kh.
i just know you guys are going to tear this up.
there's just so much ammo hear.
Here is the transcript from the second video:
Over the past 130 years Jehovah's Witnesses have been helped by a Governing Body, who's membership has changed obviously as the years roll by. This is a group of individuals that have come from all over the world and whom we believe are directed by God to help us understand what is contained in Scripture. Just as other religions would have religious leaders, those to whom they look, so do Jehovah's Witnesses. But the fact that we believe that there is a Governing Body, a Faithful and discreet slave class that we call it, who is helping us understand the Bible, no more makes us a sect than it would make Catholics a sect, because they believe that the Pope and the College of Cardinals have the ultimate truth for Catholics.
It's interesting how he phrased this line of crap.
i am new to this site and would be classified as a fader, i just go to maybe one meeting a week and am nearing the end of my fading process.. what bothered me first was the pedophile problem then just reflecting on how crazy jw's act, i think they are too obsessed with worshiping men, especially the gb, elders, co's, do's, its just too crazy.
i've personally seen elders do some very wrong things and they don't get in trouble at all.
then i realized that these men are so corrupt because they don't believe what the wt teaches.
It appears that they also attended this meeting:
OSCE Conference on Anti-Semitism and on Other Forms of Intolerance
8 and 9 June 2005
i am new to this site and would be classified as a fader, i just go to maybe one meeting a week and am nearing the end of my fading process.. what bothered me first was the pedophile problem then just reflecting on how crazy jw's act, i think they are too obsessed with worshiping men, especially the gb, elders, co's, do's, its just too crazy.
i've personally seen elders do some very wrong things and they don't get in trouble at all.
then i realized that these men are so corrupt because they don't believe what the wt teaches.
It looks like They were involved with the following organization:
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
With 56 States drawn from Europe, Central Asia and America, the OSCE is the world's largest regional security organization, bringing comprehensive and co-operative security to a region that stretches from Vancouver to Vladivostok. It offers a forum for political negotiations and decision-making in the fields of early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation, and puts the political will of the participating States into practice through its unique network of field missions.
If you search this website, you will find that they are listed as participants in the following:
Here is the information found in the list of participants:
248 Office of General Counsel for Jehovah's Witnesses
100 Watchtower Drive; Patterson, NY 12563; U.S.A.
Mr. Gregory ALLEN
Associate General Counsel
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +1-845-306 07 11
Fax: +1-845-306 07 09
I have not found that they are listed as an NGO with this organization, but they may well be.
This is worth investigating, but I doubt that NGO status here has anything to do with the UN. If they are an NGO associated with this organization, it just simply means that they are one of the non-governmental organization associated with the OSCE.