While the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that belief in God is based on the Bible, that is not true of Jews or other Christians.
There was no “Bible” when the Jewish religion was founded. The sacred texts of my people weren’t in their present form until about the 3 rd century BCE. By this time Judaism had been on the earthly scene for millennia, believing in a God who was not based on a Bible that had yet to exist.
Christianity had no New Testament nor any gospel texts when it began. It wouldn’t be until circa 70 CE that the Gospel of Mark would be written. By the time the Christians verified the 27 books chosen by Eusebius and Athanasius, the Church existed for 1500 years without a canonized Bible to teach them anything about God.
Where did the Jews get their information about God before the Torah and the rest of the Tanakh was written?
Where did the Christians get their beliefs about God without a New Testament and from where did the apostolic college get its views on God before Mark put pen to paper in 70 CE?
Let’s say you’re a parent, and you have a child who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. There is no cure for your child's illness and medical science is nowhere close to finding one. Do you just throw your hands up in the air and watch your child die?
Now let’s say you’ve lost your job as a worker in an automobile plant. The town you live in is in the heart of the United States of America. The town’s entire existence was built on the car industry. Suddenly the company that all the states in the surrounding area depended on for jobs has gone under due to the world’s failing economy. What are the mathematical odds of you getting a job since each person for hundreds and hundreds of miles is now in the same boat you are? Why even try to find employment since the odds are against you?
If you were lost in a desert and didn’t know exactly where you were, wouldn’t you try to survive? If someone sneaked into your home at night and you woke up to them smothering you with a pillow while another person held a gun to your head telling you to accept your fate and not fight, would you really not try and fight?
The answer to these questions is that we would not accept our fate in such circumstances. Despite having no evidence that our child would be cured or that we could find a job, that we could realistically expect to get out of the desert or win a battle for our life where the odds were definitely against us, we fly in the face of reason to preserve life, to live, to persevere, to succeed, to win.
And we do such things despite the odds, despite the fact and truth that things look hopeless, and we proceed even though there is no evidence that we can make it, right? And this happens to us whether we are atheist or theist, true?
So is it wrong or incorrect to believe and hope in that for which we have no evidence or goes beyond reason?
We all believe in things and act when there is no real evidence to do so. We do it because we hope in something better. Our actions may go beyond reason, our hope may have no empirical evidence that can be examined or touched or seen, but we don’t let that stop us. And we benefit from making that choice, don't we?
Each of have been in similar circumstances or will soon be—and such circumstances will come up more than once in your life, I am sure of it. And each and every one of us will hope and act and believe beyond reason and without empirical evidence in certain circumstances, in fact we may owe our greatest victories in life due to the fact that we didn’t give up when it was beyond all hope.
It’s a falsehood that it’s foolish to believe in what you cannot see or touch or examine, to hope in that which has no empirical evidence to prove a reason for our faith. We all do it. We’ve all done it, and we’re all to do it again.
People who debate that this is a reason that God cannot be believed in might as well drink the Kool-Aid that the Watchtower offers. God doesn’t exist because we believe in God. God doesn’t exist because of what’s written in a book. God is greater than what's written about Him in the Scriptures. But that's just an argument people use because they don't want to admit they don't want to believe in God. They claim they have no choice because there is no emprical evidence or that it goes beyond reason to do so. They blame it on the the "result of intelligence," when in reality they don't like God and don't want to.
And again, no matter what anyone says, you would indeed fight for your child’s life and your own, even if the odds were against you and there was no evidence for hope. Everyone believes in something that can't be proven by science, reason, or evidence. Prove that it's wrong to do so.