JoinedTopics Started by OldGenerationDude
These Would Be Jokes If They Weren't True
by OldGenerationDude in[if !supportlists]1. christians are the worst example to follow if you want to be a christian.. [if !supportlists]2.
[endif]a jewish truth: when we poke fun at ourselves, it a joke.
or as mel brooks put it: drama is when i get a paper cut.
What You May Have Missed While You Were Away
by OldGenerationDude inafter conversing with a few folks on this board, it came to my attention that a lot of what i've been writing sounds very foreign to a lot of people.
the reason is simple, really.. after talking with some of you here, i have come to realize that i am really from a very different era of the watchtower than a lot of you are.
i have much to learn from you guys (like i still can't figure out how anyone got that overlapping-generation fluff to pass-in my day we probably would have burned as a witch anyone who even dared suggest such a thing as "true doctrine" among the witnesses).. some have mentioned to me how what i've written about sounds "foreign" or even fabricated...that is until they look it up for themselves.