I must say that i am the first to say that I dont have all the answers...in fact i have found that i have very few. i am just starting because the fear of looking outside the WTS is so real that it is almost paralyzing. i swear i almost felt the elders were setting up surveillance. i know they werent but it is the fear they instill in us as we embark on a diametrically opposed journey. I often wonder if they see the TTATT and ignore it for the sake of family peace and ease of life (though lies are not easy to maintain comfortably). I sound so paranoid but i am truly not. i dont worry about seeing anyone. i have done nothing overt that could be labled as wrong. Yes i am a proud member of this forum but they dont have the right to know this info. as someone recently said on another post...theocratic warfare in reverse. dont tell people what they are not entitled to know. I am so excited to continue and learn more esp with the advice i have received from all of you on just this post alone. i have been reading so many other posts and commenting but i have found that people here seem to have a much greater appreciation for finding the truth with real study and not staged study under duress. Thanks everyone for the help and extra info from all posts. i am seeing many things from perspectives i never considered from people of all ages. Love it.
I was visiting the family of my daughters friend today and they were discussing a person that they met in field service who claimed all they taught was lies and that the NWT was a bible written to prove jws only. she was horrified that anyone could reject the truth. the best part was when my daughter discreetly looked over at me and rolled her eyes lol...as the mother of a teenager i couldnt love an eye roll more!!!!! Proud mom here :)